FBS 7 is a notch filter-type feedback canceller with an automatic detection function. This plug-in provides two modes: FIXED and DYNAMIC. Both modes have a seven-band filter and automatic feedback detection function. FIXED mode is used to detect feedback points and create a margin against feedback before the actual performance.DYNAMIC mode is used to immediately respond to feedback that occurs during a performance. These two modes can be used in combination to effectively suppress feedback. The RTA display and filter graph can also be used to easily check feedback conditions.

- ① Fixed On Button
Toggles between enabling and disabling the measurement results for Fixed mode.
- ② Fixed Detect Button
Toggles between running and stopping a measurement. Measurements are not stopped automatically. Dynamic filters are disabled while measurements are made. Filters cannot be edited while measurements are being made. For more information about how to make measurements, refer to “Using the Fixed Method to Make FBS Measurements.”
- ③ Fixed Detect Display
Comes on when feedback is detected in Fixed mode.
- ④ Fixed All Clear Button
Clears all filter settings in Fixed mode.
- ⑤ Fixed Filter State Display
Indicates the status of each filter in Fixed mode.
Free (gray): No applicable filter is in use.
Bypass (dark yellow): An applicable filter is in use and set to Bypass.
Active (yellow): An applicable filter is in use and currently enabled. - ⑥ Dynamic On Button
Toggles between enabling and disabling the Dynamic function. When turned on, FBS starts operating if feedback is not currently detected in Fixed mode.
- ⑦ Dynamic Detect Display
Comes on when feedback is detected in Dynamic mode.
- ⑧ Dynamic All Clear
Clears all filter settings in Dynamic mode.
- ⑨ Dynamic Filter State Display
Indicates the status of each filter in Dynamic mode.
Free (gray): No applicable filter is in use.
On (purple): An applicable filter is in use. - ⑩ Dynamic Filter Frequency Display
Indicates the detected frequency, when the mouse is placed over a filter number.
- ⑪ Filter Sel Button
Selects a filter.
- ⑫ Selected Filter Number Display
Indicates the number of the selected filter.
- ⑬ Clear Button
Clears the settings for the selected filter.
- ⑭ Bypass Button
Toggles between enabling and disabling Bypass for the selected filter.
- ⑮ Frequency Slider
Sets the center frequency for the selected filter.
- ⑯ Gain Slider
Sets the gain for the selected filter.
- ⑰ Q Slider
Sets the Q for the selected filter.
- ⑱ Global Button
Toggles between displaying the Global Settings screen and displaying the Edit screen for each filter.

- ⑲ Global Value Display
Displays parameter values when Global Q and Global Gain are anything other than 1.0 or 0.0. These values cannot be edited.
- ⑳ Global Gain Offset Slider
Sets the Global Gain to be applied to all Fixed filters. The Gain value that is actually applied to each filter is the Gain set for each filter added to the Global Gain.
- ㉑ Global Relative Q Slider
Sets the Global Q to be applied to all Fixed filters. The Q value that is actually applied to each filter is the Q set for each filter multiplied by the Global Q. (If Global Q is 1.5, the actual value of Q for a filter with Q set to 20.0 is 30.0).
- ㉒ Graph Button
Toggles between displaying and hiding the frequency response for the output signal.