
On the Common Edit screen, you can edit the parameters for the entire Performance as well as the parameters for the Audio Part.

On the Perf Settings screen, you can set general parameters for the Performance.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → General/PitchPerf Settings
Main Category
Sub Category

Sets the Main category and Sub category of the selected Performance. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Performance Name

You can save the Performance you are editing under a new name, using up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
Tapping on the name calls up the onscreen keyboard, allowing you to enter a name.

MC Flag (Motion Control Flag)

Sets an MC flag to the selected Performance.
When set to On, the MC flag appears on the Performance screen. Also, on the Performance Category Search screen, the Performance will be filtered by the MC attribute. Settings: Off, On

Volume (Performance Volume)

Sets the volume of the selected Performance. Settings: 0–127

Pan (Performance Pan)

Sets the Pan of the selected Performance. Settings: L63–C–R63

Var Return (Variation Return)

Sets the output level (Return Level) of the signals processed by the Variation Effect. Settings: 0–127

Rev Return (Reverb Return)

Sets the output level (Return Level) of the signals processed by the Reverb Effect. Settings: 0–127

Portamento Master Sw (Portamento Master Switch)

Sets Portamento on or off for Parts having the Portamento Part Sw set to On.
This switch is linked to the [PORTAMENTO] button on the top panel. Settings: Off, On

Portamento Time

Sets the time length (or speed) for the pitch transition of Portamento.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part Portamento time. Settings: −64–+63

Update User Auditions

Converts all Songs saved to internal memory into User Auditions.
If any User Auditions already exist, all previous User Auditions will be overwritten.

Audition Bank

Selects the bank for the audition phrases.

Audition Phrase Number

Selects the audition phrase.
The preset Performances already have suitable audition phrases assigned.
By playing back the audition phrase, you can listen to the selected Performance in an appropriate musical context. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Audition Phrase Name

Shows the name of the audition phrase.

Note Shift (Audition Note Shift)

Adjusts the pitch of the notes in the audition phrase in semitones. Settings: −24–+24

Velocity Shift (Audition Velocity Shift)

Adjusts the velocity of the notes in the audition phrase. Settings: −63–+63

On the USB Monitor screen, you can adjust the volume of the audio signals input from the [USB TO HOST] terminals.
When you tap on the USB Volume in the Audio Signal Flow, the cursor moves to the USB Volume on the Audio I/O screen.


USB Main Monitor Volume and USB Assign Monitor Volume are saved (stored) in the Performance.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → General/PitchUSB Monitor
Monitor Volume Main

Adjusts the volume of the audio signals input from the [USB TO HOST] terminal and output to the OUTPUT jacks. Settings: 0–127

Monitor Volume Assign

Adjusts the volume of the audio signals input from the [USB TO HOST] terminal and output to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT (BALANCED) jacks. Settings: 0–127

Audio Settings

Opens the UTILITY Audio I/O screen.
The same screen can be opened from [UTILITY]→SettingsAudio I/O.

On the Pitch screen, you can make pitch settings.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → General/PitchPitch
Portamento View

Sw, Mode, Time, and Time Mode will not be shown for the Drum Part.


Switches the view between Parts 1 to 8 and Parts 9 to 16.

Master Sw (Portamento Master Switch)

Sets Portamento to be applied to Parts having the Portamento Part Switch set to On.
This switch is linked to the [PORTAMENTO] button on the top panel. Settings: Off, On

Time (Portamento Time)

Sets the time length (or speed) for the pitch transition of Portamento.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part Portamento time. Settings: −64–+63

Group (Pitch Control Group)

The Parts in the same group are given the same pitch.
This is convenient when you wish to apply Portamento to a layered sound or have the same micro-tuning settings for multiple Parts at once.

Sw (Portamento Part Switch)

Sets Portamento on or off for the Part. Settings: Off, On

Portamento Mode

Sets how Portamento is applied by the way you play the keyboard. Settings: Fingered, Full-time
Fingered: Portamento is applied only when you play legato (playing the next note before releasing the previous one).
Full-time: Portamento is applied to all notes.

Time (Portamento Part Time)

Sets the time length (or speed) for the pitch transition of Portamento for the Part. Settings: 0–127

Time Mode (Portamento Time Mode)

Sets how the pitch changes over time. Settings: Rate 1, Time 1, Rate 2, Time 2
Rate 1: Pitch changes at a specific rate.
Time 1: Pitch changes at a specific time.
Rate 2: Pitch changes at a specific rate within an octave.
Time 2: Pitch changes at a specific time within an octave.

Pitch Bend / Mono View

Mono / Poly will not be shown for the Drum Part.

Lower (Pitch Bend Lower)
Upper (Pitch Bend Upper)

Sets the range of the changes created with the Pitch Bend wheel in semitones. Settings: −48–+0–+24

Mono / Poly

Sets the tone generation mode for the keyboard.
Mono is for playing single notes, and Poly is for playing multiple simultaneous notes. Settings: Mono, Poly

Edit Control Assign

Opens the Control Assign screen for Common Edit.

Micro Tuning view

Micro Tuning Name and Root will not be shown for the Drum Part.

Micro Tuning Name

Sets the micro tuning (temperament) for the Part. Settings: Equal Temperament, Pure Major, Pure Minor, Werckmeister, Kirnberger, Vallotti & Young, 1/4 shift, 1/4 tone, 1/8 tone, Indian, Arabic 1, Arabic 2, Arabic 3, User 1–8 (when a User bank is selected), Library 1-1–16-8 (when a library file is loaded)

Root (Micro Tuning Root)

Sets the root note for the micro tuning.
This parameter is not shown when the selected type in Micro Tuning Name does not require a root note. Settings: C–B

Edit Global Tuning

Opens the Global Tuning setting screen.

Edit User Tuning

Opens the User Tuning setting screen.

Note Shift / Detune View
Shift (Note Shift)

Adjusts the pitch in semitones. Settings: −24–+0–+24


Adjusts the pitch of the Part in 0.1 Hz increments.
By slightly shifting the pitch, you can detune the sound. Settings: −12.8Hz–+0.0Hz–+12.7Hz

This is the setting screen for User Micro Tuning.

Tuning No. (Micro Tuning Number)

Indicates the selected User Micro Tuning Number. Settings: 1–8

Tuning Name (Micro Tuning Name)

You can save the User Micro Tuning you are editing under a new name.
Tapping on the name calls up the onscreen keyboard, allowing you to enter a name.

C, C♯, D, D♯, E, F, F♯, G, G♯, A, A♯, B

You can adjust the pitch of each note in cents to set the micro tuning. Settings: −99–+99


Initializes the selected User Micro Tuning.

On the Filter EG screen, you can set the Filter Envelope Generator (FEG).
This lets you set the degree (or level) of changes to the cutoff frequency and how those changes evolve over time, starting from the moment you press a key on the keyboard to the moment the sound decays.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → Filter/AmpFilter EG
FEG Atk (FEG Attack Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the sound to change from the moment you press a key until when the Cutoff Frequency reaches the value set at Attack Level.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part FEG. Settings: −64–+63

FEG Decay (FEG Decay Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the Cutoff Frequency to change from the attack level. You can control the crispness or the decay speed of the sound.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part FEG. Settings: −64–+63

FEG Rel (FEG Release Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the Cutoff Frequency to fall to the Release level when you release the key.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part FEG. Settings: −64–+63

Cutoff (Cutoff Frequency)

Changes the sound by setting the cutoff frequency of the filter.
When the Low Pass Filter is selected, you can make the sound brighter by setting this to a larger value, and darker by setting it to a smaller value.
This is specified as an offset value to the filter cutoff frequency for the Part. Settings: −64–+63


Adds special characteristics to the sound by adjusting the signal level near the cutoff frequency.
This is specified as an offset value to the filter resonance for the Part. Settings: −64–+63

FEG Depth

Sets the depth range of the cutoff frequency change controlled by the FEG.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part FEG Depth. Settings: −64–+63

On the Amp EG screen, you can set the AEG (Amplitude Envelope Generator) time. By setting the Amp EG, you can set how the volume changes from the moment you press a key on the keyboard to when the sound decays.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → Filter/AmpAmp EG

The settings on the Amp EG screen are offset values to the AEG for all Parts.

Attack (AEG Attack Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the volume to change from the moment you press a key on the keyboard to when it reaches the maximum. Settings: −64–+63

Decay (AEG Decay Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the volume to change after it has reached the maximum. Settings: −64–+63

Sustain (AEG Sustain Level)

Sets the volume that is maintained while the key is held down. Settings: −64–+63

Release (AEG Release Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the sound to decay after you have released the key. Settings: −64–+63

On this screen, you can set the System Effects applied to all Parts and view the signal flow of the Master Effects.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → EffectRouting
Var (Variation Switch)
Rev (Reverb Switch)
MFX (Master Effect Switch)

Sets the Variation, Reverb, and Master Effects on or off. Settings: Off, On

Var Type (Variation Type)
Rev Type (Reverb Type)
MFX Type (Master Effect Type)

Sets the type for the Variation, Reverb, and Master Effects. Settings: See the Effect types.

Var Preset (Variation Preset Number)
Rev Preset (Reverb Preset Number)
MFX Preset (Master Effect Preset Number)

Selects a Preset from the Variation, Reverb, and Master Effects parameters. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Side Chain (Variation Side Chain Part)
Side Chain (Master Effect Side Chain Part)
Modulator (Variation Modulator Part)
Modulator (Master Effect Modulator Part)

Sets the Side Chain Part (or the Modulator depending on the effect type) for the Variation and Master Effects.
This parameter is not available when Master is set to the Modulator Part. In that case, the parameter value will be shown in parenthesis as in “(Master).” Settings: Part 1–16, A/D, Master, Off

Var Return (Variation Return)
Rev Return (Reverb Return)

Sets the output level (Return Level) of the signals processed by the Variation or Reverb Effect. Settings: 0–127

Var Pan (Variation Pan)
Rev Pan (Reverb Pan)

Sets the stereo location of the signals processed by the Variation or the Reverb Effect.
Settings: L63 (left)–C (center)–R63 (right)

Var to Rev (Variation To Reverb)

Sets the send level of the signals processed by the Variation Effect. Settings: 0–127

Master EQ (Master EQ Switch)

Sets the Master EQ on or off. Settings: Off, On

Envelope Follower

Opens the settings screen for Envelope Follower.

Sets the Variation Effect.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → EffectVariation
(1)Variation Switch
Variation Switch

Sets the Variation Effect on or off. Settings: Off, On

Category (Variation Category)
Type (Variation Type)

Sets the category and type of the Variation Effect. Settings: See the Effect types.

Preset (Variation Preset Number)

Selects one of the Preset effect parameters for each Effect Type. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Side Chain (Variation Side Chain Part)
Modulator (Variation Modulator Part)

Sets the Part for the Side Chain (or the Modulator depending on the effect type) for the Variation Effect.
This parameter is not available when Master is set to the Modulator Part. In that case, the parameter value will be shown in parenthesis as in “(Master).” Settings: Part 1–16, A/D, Master, Off

Effect Parameter

The Effect Parameters differ depending on the effect type. Settings: See the Effect parameters.

Sets the Reverb Effect.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → EffectReverb
(1)Reverb Switch
Reverb Switch

Sets the Reverb Effect on or off. Settings: Off, On

Category (Reverb Category)
Type (Reverb Type)

Sets the category and type of the Reverb Effect. Settings: See the Effect types.

Preset (Reverb Preset Number)

Selects one of the Preset effect parameters for each Effect Type. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Effect Parameter

The Effect Parameters differ depending on the effect type. Settings: See the Effect parameters.

Sets the Master Effect.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → EffectMaster FX
(1)Master Effect Switch
Master Effect Switch

Sets the Master Effect on or off. Settings: Off, On

Category (Master Effect Category)
Type (Master Effect Type)

Sets the category and type of the Master Effect. Settings: See the Effect types.

Preset (Master Effect Preset Number)

Selects one of the Preset effect parameters for each Effect Type. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Side Chain (Master Effect Side Chain Part)
Modulator (Master Effect Modulator Part)

Sets the Side Chain (or the Modulator depending on the effect type) for the Master Effects.
This parameter is not available when Master is set to the Modulator Part. In that case, the parameter value will be shown in parenthesis as in “(Master).” Settings: Part 1–16, A/D, Master, Off

Effect Parameter

The Effect Parameters differ depending on the effect type. Settings: See the Effect parameters.

Sets the Master EQ.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → EffectMaster EQ
Master EQ (Master EQ Switch)

Sets the Master EQ on or off. Settings: Off, On

Low Gain (Master EQ Low Gain)

Sets the signal level of the Low band. Settings: −12–+12 (dB)

Lo Mid Gain (Master EQ Low Mid Gain)

Sets the signal level of the Lo Mid band. Settings: −12–+12 (dB)

Mid Gain (Master EQ Mid Gain)

Sets the signal level of the Mid band. Settings: −12–+12 (dB)

Hi Mid Gain (Master EQ High Mid Gain)

Sets the signal level of the Hi Mid band. Settings: −12–+12 (dB)

High Gain (Master EQ High Gain)

Sets the signal level of the High band. Settings: −12–+12 (dB)

Low Freq (Master EQ Low Frequency)

Sets the frequency of the Low band. Settings: 32 (Hz)–2.0 (kHz)

Lo Mid Freq (Master EQ Low Mid Frequency)

Sets the frequency of the Lo Mid band. Settings: 100 (Hz)–10 (kHz)

Mid Freq (Master EQ Mid Frequency)

Sets the frequency of the Mid band. Settings: 100 (Hz)–10 (kHz)

Hi Mid Freq (Master EQ High Mid Frequency)

Sets the frequency of the Hi Mid band. Settings: 100 (Hz)–10 (kHz)

High Freq (Master EQ High Frequency)

Sets the frequency of the High band. Settings: 500 (Hz)–16 (kHz)

Low Q (Master EQ Low Q)

Sets the bandwidth of the Low band.
This parameter is available only when Low Shape (Master EQ Low Shape) is set to Peak. Settings: 0.1–12.0

Lo Mid Q (Master EQ Low Mid Q)

Sets the bandwidth of the Lo Mid band. Settings: 0.1–12.0

Mid Q (Master EQ Mid Q)

Sets the bandwidth of the Mid band. Settings: 0.1–12.0

Hi Mid Q (Master EQ High Mid Q)

Sets the bandwidth of the Hi Mid band. Settings: 0.1–12.0

High Q (Master EQ High Q)

Sets the bandwidth of the High band.
This parameter is available only when High Shape (Master EQ High Shape) is set to Peak. Settings: 0.1–12.0

Low Shape (Master EQ Low Shape)
High Shape (Master EQ High Shape)

Determines whether the EQ is set to a shelving type (that cuts or boosts the signals above or below a specified frequency setting) or a peaking type (that cuts or boosts the signals at a specified frequency) for the EQ. Settings: Shelf, Peak

Opens the settings screen for Envelope Follower.

Part (Input Source)

Shows the input source for the selected Envelope Follower. Settings: Master, AD, Part 1–16

Gain (Envelope Follower Gain)

Sets the input gain on the input source set for the Part. Settings: −24.0dB–0.0dB–+24.0dB

Attack (Envelope Follower Attack)

Sets the attack time for the envelope follower. Settings: 1ms–40ms

Release (Envelope Follower Release)

Sets the release time for the envelope follower. Settings: 10ms–680ms

Input Level

Shows the Input level for the signals input from the Input source of the Part you have selected.

Envelope Follower Output

Shows the output level of the Envelope Follower.


Opens the Control Assign screen for the selected Part.

On the Mixing screen, you can mix the A/D Part (signals from the A/D INPUT jacks) and the Digital Part (signals from the [USB TO HOST] terminal*).
* Refers only to the audio for the Digital L/R of the device port.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → Audio InMixing
Input Mode (A/D Part Input Mode)
Input Mode (Digital Part Input Mode)

Determines the processing method for the input signals at the left and right channels. Settings: L Mono, R Mono, L+R Mono, Stereo
L Mono: Uses only the left channel.
R Mono: Uses only the right channel.
L+R Mono: Mixes the left and right channels and processes in mono.
Stereo: Processes the stereo input in stereo.


If the sound is input only from the [L/MONO] jack, it is processed in mono.

Volume (A/D Part Volume)
Volume (Digital Part Volume)

Sets the volume of the A/D Part or Digital Part. Settings: 0–127

Pan (A/D Part Pan)
Pan (Digital Part Pan)

Sets the Pan position (in the stereo field) for the A/D Part or Digital Part. Settings: L63–C–R63

Dry Level (A/D Part Dry Level)
Dry Level (Digital Part Dry Level)

Sets the dry level (or the level of the signals not processed by the System Effect) of the A/D Part or Digital Part.
This parameter is available only when Output Select is set to MainL&R. Settings: 0–127

Var Send (A/D Part Variation Send)
Var Send (Digital Part Variation Send)

Sets the level of the signals sent from the A/D Part or Digital Part to the Variation Effect.
This parameter is available only when Output Select is set to MainL&R. Settings: 0–127

Rev Send (A/D Part Reverb Send)
Rev Send (Digital Part Reverb Send)

Sets the level of the signals sent from the A/D Part or Digital Part to the Reverb Effect.
This parameter is available only when Output Select is set to MainL&R. Settings: 0–127

Output Select (A/D Part Output Select)
Output Select (Digital Part Output Select)

Sets the output destination for the audio signals from the A/D Part or Digital Part. Settings: MainL&R, AsgnL&R, USB1&2–USB29&30, AsgnL, AsgnR, USB1–30, Off
MainL&R: Outputs in stereo (two channels) to the OUTPUT [L/MONO] and [R] jacks.
AsgnL&R: Outputs in stereo (two channels) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [L] and [R] jacks.
USB1&2–USB29&30: Outputs in stereo (channels 1 and 2, to channels 29 and 30) to the [USB TO HOST] terminal.
AsgnL: Outputs in mono (one channel) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [L] jack.
AsgnR: Outputs in mono (one channel) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [R] jack.
USB1–30: Outputs in mono (channels 1 to 30) to the [USB TO HOST] terminal.
Off: No output of the audio signal for the Part.

On the Routing screen, you can set the effect routing of the A/D Part.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → Audio InRouting
(1)A/D Part Insertion FX A Switch
(2)A/D Part Insertion FX B Switch
A/D In
Digital In

Switches the view for A/D In and Digital In.
When Digital In is selected, only the Digital Part Reverb Send, Digital Part Variation Send, and Digital Part Output Select are available.

A/D Part Insertion FX A Switch
A/D Part Insertion FX B Switch

Turns Insertion Effect A and Insertion Effect B on or off. Settings: Off, On

Type (A/D Part Insertion Effect A Type)
Type (A/D Part Insertion Effect B Type)

Sets the Effect Type. Settings: See the Effect types.

Preset (A/D Part Insertion Effect A Preset)
Preset (A/D Part Insertion Effect B Preset)

Selects one of the Preset effect parameters for each Effect Type.
By selecting a Preset, you can change the way effects are applied. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Side Chain (A/D Part Insertion Effect A Side Chain)
Side Chain (A/D Part Insertion Effect B Side Chain)
Modulator (A/D Part Insertion Effect A Modulator)
Modulator (A/D Part Insertion Effect B Modulator)

Sets the Side Chain Part (or the Modulator depending on the effect type) for the Insertion Effect A or Insertion Effect B.
This parameter is not available when the Part itself or Master is set to the Modulator. In those cases, the parameter value will be shown in parenthesis as in “(Master).” Settings: Part 1–16, A/D, Master, Off

Ins Connect (A/D Part Insertion Effect Connect Type)

Sets the effect routing for Insertion Effect A and Insertion Effect B.
The diagram changes accordingly when the settings are changed. Settings: Ins A→B, Ins B→A

2-band EQ

Opens the 2-band EQ for the A/D Part.

Rev Send (A/D Part Reverb Send)
Rev Send (Digital Part Reverb Send)

Sets the level of the signals (or bypass signals) sent from Insertion Effect A or Insertion Effect B to the Reverb Effect.
This parameter is available only when Output Select is set to MainL&R. Settings: 0–127

Var Send (A/D Part Variation Send)
Var Send (Digital Part Variation Send)

Sets the level of the signals (or bypass signals) sent from Insertion Effect A or Insertion Effect B to the Variation Effect.
This parameter is available only when Output Select is set to MainL&R. Settings: 0–127

Envelope Follower

Opens the settings screen for Envelope Follower.

Output Select (A/D Part Output Select)
Output Select (Digital Part Output Select)

Sets the output destination for the audio signals. Settings: MainL&R, AsgnL&R, USB1&2–USB29&30, AsgnL, AsgnR, USB1–30, Off
MainL&R: Outputs in stereo (two channels) to the OUTPUT [L/MONO] and OUTPUT [R] jacks.
AsgnL&R: Outputs in stereo (two channels) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [L] and ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [R] jacks.
USB1&2–USB29&30: Outputs in stereo (channels 1 and 2, to channels 29 and 30) to the [USB TO HOST] terminal.
AsgnL: Outputs in mono (one channel) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [L] jack.
AsgnR: Outputs in mono (one channel) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [R] jack.
USB1–30: Outputs in mono (channels 1 to 30) to the [USB TO HOST] terminal.
Off: No output of the audio signal for the Part.

On the Ins A and Ins B screens, you can set the Insertion Effects.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → Audio InIns A
  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → Audio InIns B
(1)Insertion FX Switch
Insertion FX Switch

Enables the Insertion Effect. Settings: Off, On

Category (Insertion Effect A Category)
Category (Insertion Effect B Category)
Type (Insertion Effect A Type)
Type (Insertion Effect B Type)

Sets the category and type of the Insertion Effect. Settings: See the Effect types.

Preset (Insertion Effect A Preset)
Preset (Insertion Effect B Preset)

Selects one of the Preset effect parameters for each Effect Type.
By selecting a Preset, you can change the way effects are applied. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Side Chain (Insertion Effect A Side Chain Part)
Side Chain (Insertion Effect B Side Chain Part)
Modulator (Insertion Effect A Modulator Part)
Modulator (Insertion Effect B Modulator Part)

Sets the Side Chain Part (or the Modulator depending on the effect type) for the Insertion Effect A or Insertion Effect B.
This parameter is not available when the Part itself or Master is set to the Modulator. In those cases, the parameter value will be shown in parenthesis as in “(Master).” Settings: Part 1–16, A/D, Master, Off

Effect Parameter

The Effect Parameters differ depending on the effect type. Settings: See the Effect parameters.

On the 2-band EQ screen, you can set the Part EQ.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → CommonAudio In2-band EQ
EQ1 Type (A/D Part 2-band EQ 1 Type)
EQ2 Type (A/D Part 2-band EQ 2 Type)

Selects the desired EQ type. Settings: Thru, LPF, HPF, Low Shelf, Hi Shelf, Peak/Dip
Thru: Bypasses the equalizer leaving the entire signal unaffected.
LPF: Passes the signals below the cutoff frequency.
HPF: Passes the signals above the cutoff frequency.
Low Shelf: Cuts or boosts the signals below the specified frequency setting.
Hi Shelf: Cuts or boosts the signals above the specified frequency setting.
Peak/Dip: Cuts or boosts the signals at the specified frequency setting.

EQ 1 Freq (A/D Part 2-band EQ 1 Frequency)
EQ 2 Freq (A/D Part 2-band EQ 2 Frequency)

Sets the frequency to be cut or boosted.
This parameter is not available when the EQ Type is set to Thru. Settings: 63.0Hz–18.0kHz

EQ 1 Gain (A/D Part 2-band EQ 1 Gain)
EQ 2 Gain (A/D Part 2-band EQ 2 Gain)

Sets the signal level of the frequency band set in EQ1 Freq or EQ2 Freq.
This parameter is not available when the EQ Type is set to Thru, LPF, or HPF. Settings: −12.0dB–+12.0dB

EQ 1 Q (A/D Part 2-band EQ 1 Q)
EQ 2 Q (A/D Part 2-band EQ 2 Q)

Sets the bandwidth for cutting or boosting the volume of the frequencies set with EQ1 Freq or EQ2 Freq.
This parameter is available only when the EQ Type is set to Peak/Dip. Settings: 0.1–12.0

Output Level (A/D Part 2-band EQ Output Level)

Sets the output gain of the 2-band EQ. Settings: −12.0dB–+12.0dB

On the Arp Common screen, you can set the Arpeggio parameters for the entire Performance.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → Arp/MSArp Common
Arp Master (Arpeggio Master Switch)

Sets the Arpeggio for the Performance on or off.
This switch is linked to the [ARP ON/OFF] button on the top panel. Settings: Off, On

Sync Quantize (Arpeggio Sync Quantize Value)

Adjusts the timing for starting the next Arpeggio phrase while the first Arpeggio is being played back, when playing back Arpeggio phrases in multiple Parts. When set to Off, the Arpeggio is played back when the Part is played on the keyboard. Settings: Off, 60 (thirty-second note), 80 (sixteenth note triplet), 120 (sixteenth note), 160 (eighth note triplet), 240 (eighth note), 320 (quarter note triplet), 480 (quarter note) (Numbers indicated here are clock values.)

Swing (Swing Offset)

Sets the swing value of the Arpeggio and Motion Sequencer for the Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to Part Swing. Settings: −120–+120

Unit (Common Unit Multiply)

Sets the percentage for stretching or compressing the Arpeggio playback time for the entire Performance.
This parameter affects Parts for which Unit (Arpeggio Unit Multiply) is set to Common.
The subdivision of the beat and the tempo will change when you stretch or compress the playback time, so you can create a completely new feel for the originally selected Arpeggio. Settings: 50%–400%
200%: The playback time is doubled, and the tempo is halved as a result.
100%: The playback time is kept unchanged.
50%: The playback time is halved, and the tempo is doubled as a result.

Qntz Strength (Arpeggio Quantize Strength Offset)

Sets the strength of the quantize setting that is applied to the Arpeggio for the Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to Part Qntz Strength (Arpeggio Quantize Strength). Settings: −100–+100

Octave Shift (Arpeggio Octave Shift Offset)

Shifts the pitch of the Arpeggio for the Performance in octaves.
This is specified as an offset value to Part Octave Shift (Arpeggio Octave Shift). Settings: −20–+20

Octave Range (Arpeggio Octave Range Offset)

Shifts the range of the Arpeggio for the Performance in octaves.
This is specified as an offset value to Part Octave Range (Arpeggio Octave Range). Settings: −6–+6

Gate Time (Arpeggio Gate Time Rate Offset)

Sets the Arpeggio Gate Time Rate for the Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to Part Gate Time (Arpeggio Gate Time Rate). Settings: −100–+100

Velocity (Arpeggio Velocity Rate Offset)

Sets the Arpeggio Velocity Rate for the Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to Part Velocity (Arpeggio Velocity Rate). Settings: −100–+100

Arp Select (Arpeggio Select)

Changes the Arpeggio selection. Settings: 1–8

On the Arp Overview screen, you can set the Arpeggio types from the list of all Parts.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → Arp/MSArp Overview
  • (When a selected Part is Common) [SHIFT] + [ARP ON/OFF]
Part 1–8
Part 9–16

Switches the view for Parts. Settings: Part 1–8, Part 9–16

Arp Master (Arpeggio Master Switch)

Sets the Arpeggio for the Performance on or off.
This switch is linked to the [ARP ON/OFF] button on the top panel. Settings: Off, On

Group (Arpeggio Group)

Sets the Arpeggio Group for using the same Arpeggio with multiple Parts.
The Parts assigned to the same Group will have the same Arpeggio settings.

Arp Select (Arpeggio Select)

Changes the Arpeggio selection. Settings: 1–8

Sw (Part Arpeggio Switch)

Sets the Arpeggio of each Part on or off. Settings: Off, On

When View is set to Category
Category (Arpeggio Category)
Sub (Arpeggio Sub Category)
Name (Arpeggio Name)

Settings: Refer to the Data List.

When View is set to Number
Bank (Arpeggio Bank)
Number (Arpeggio Number)
Name (Arpeggio Name)

Settings: Refer to the Data List.

When View is set to Range
Name (Arpeggio Name)

Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Velocity Limit (Arpeggio Velocity Limit)

Sets the velocity range (lowest and highest values) for playing back the Arpeggio.
When this is set so that the higher value is first and the lower value is second (for example, 93 to 34), the Arpeggio is played only for velocities of 1 to 34 and 93 to 127. Settings: 1–127

Note Limit (Arpeggio Note Limit)

Sets the note range (the lowest and the highest notes) for playing back the Arpeggio.
When the first note specified is higher than the second (for example, C5 to C4), the Arpeggio is played for notes in the ranges of C−2 to C4 and C5 to G8. Settings: C−2–G8

On the MS Common screen, you can set the Motion Sequencer parameters used for the entire Performance.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → Arp/MSMS Common
  • (When a selected Part is Common) [SHIFT] + [MSEQ ON/OFF]
Common Swing (Swing Offset)

Sets the swing value of the Arpeggio and Motion Sequencer for the Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part Swing. Settings: −120–+120

Common Unit (Common Unit Multiply)

Sets the percentage for stretching or compressing the Motion Sequencer playback time for the entire Performance.
This parameter affects Lanes for which Unit Multiply is set to Common.
The subdivision of the beat and the tempo will change when you stretch or compress the playback time, so you can create a completely new feel for the originally selected Motion Sequencer. Settings: 50%–400%
200%: The playback time is doubled, and the tempo is halved as a result.
100%: The playback time is kept unchanged.
50%: The playback time is halved, and the tempo is doubled as a result.

Common Amplitude (Motion Sequencer Amplitude Performance Offset)

Sets the Motion Sequencer Amplitude (or how much the Sequence changes) for the entire Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part Amplitude (Part Motion Sequencer Amplitude).
This parameter value offsets the Amplitude of the Lanes within the Performance if MS FX is set to On for the Lane. Settings: −127–+127

Common Shape (Motion Sequencer Pulse Shape Performance Offset)

Sets the Motion Sequencer Pulse Shape (or the shape of the step curve) for the Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part Shape (Part Motion Sequencer Pulse Shape).
This parameter value offsets the parameters for the Lanes within the Performance if the MS FX is set to On for the lane and Control is set to On. Settings: −100–+100

Common Smooth (Motion Sequencer Smoothness Performance Offset)

Sets the Motion Sequence Smoothness (or the smoothness of the changes in the sequence over time) for the entire Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part Motion Seq Smooth (Part Motion Sequencer Smoothness).
This parameter value offsets the Smoothness of the Lanes within the Performance if MS FX is set to On for the Lane. Settings: −127–+127

Common Random (Motion Sequencer Randomness Performance Offset)

Sets the Motion Sequencer Randomness (or the randomness of the changes in the step value of the sequence) for the entire Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part Motion Seq Random (Part Motion Sequencer Randomness).
This parameter value offsets the Randomness of the Lanes within the Performance if MS FX is set to On for the Lane. Settings: −127–+127

View Lane (Motion Seq View Lane)

Sets the Motion Seq Lane that is shown when the View Mode of the Home screen is set to Motion Seq. Settings: Super Knob, 1–4

AD MS Random (A/D Part Motion Sequencer Randomness)

Sets the randomness of the changes in A/D Part Motion Sequencer Step Value. Settings: 0–127

MS Select (Motion Sequence Select)

Changes the Motion Sequence selection. Settings: 1–8

On the MS Overview screen, you can set the Motion Sequencer from the list of all Parts.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → Arp/MSMS Overview
MS Master (Motion Seq Master Switch)

Sets the Motion Sequencer for the entire Performance on or off.
This switch is linked to the [MSEQ ON/OFF] button on the top panel. Settings: Off, On

Active (Active Motion Sequencer)

Shows the number of Lane switches set to On.
The number shown on the right side of the slash (/) indicates the maximum number of Lanes you can simultaneously set to On.

MS Select (Motion Sequence Select)

Changes the Motion Sequence selection. Settings: 1–8

PartSw (Motion Sequencer Part Switch)

Sets the Motion Sequencer on or off for each Part. Settings: Off, On

Lane Switch

Sets each Lane on or off.
You can use up to four Motion Sequencer Lanes in one Part, or up to eight Lanes in an entire Performance. Settings: Off, On

On the Lane screen, you can set the Motion Sequencer parameters for each Lane.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → Arp/MSLane
Motion Seq Master Sw (Motion Sequencer Master Switch)

Sets the Motion Sequencer for the entire Performance on or off. Settings: Off, On

Motion Seq Part Sw (Motion Sequencer Part Switch)

Sets the Motion Sequencer of the Part on or off. Settings: Off, On

Lane (Lane Select)

Shows the parameters for the selected Lane. Settings: 1–4

LaneSw (Lane Switch)

Sets each Lane on or off.
You can use up to four Motion Sequencer Lanes in one Part, or up to eight Lanes in an entire Performance.
When set to Off, the parameters for that Lane will not be shown. Settings: Off, On

MS FX (Lane FX Receive)

Sets Knobs to be affected by the operation of the Super Knob. Settings: Off, On

Trigger (Lane Trigger Receive)

Sets whether the selected Lane receives signals from the [MSEQ TRIGGER] button or not.
When set to On, the Motion Sequence will not be played back unless you press the [MSEQ TRIGGER] button. Settings: Off, On

Sequence Select (Motion Sequence Select)

Changes the Motion Sequence selection. Settings: 1–8

Target Sequence

Shows the selected Lanes and sequences.

Edit Sequence

Opens the Motion Sequence screen.
You can create a sequence of up to 16 steps.

Motion Seq Step n Value

Shows the step curve for the selected sequence.

Sync/Speed tab
Sync (Lane Sync)

Sets the playback of the Motion Sequence set to the Destination in the Control Assign screen to synchronize to the Performance tempo or beat. Settings: Off, Tempo, Beat, Lane1 (when Lanes 2–4 are selected)
Off: Plays back the Lane Motion Sequencer alone.
Tempo: Plays back the Lane Motion Sequencer in sync with the Performance tempo.
Beat: Plays back in sync with the beat.
Lane1: Plays back the Lane Motion Sequencer in sync with Lane 1.

When Sync is set to Off
Speed (Lane Speed)

Sets the playback speed for the Motion Sequence.
This parameter is available when Sync (Lane Sync) is set to Off. Settings: 0–127

Delay Time (A/D Part Motion Seq Lane Key On Delay Time Length)

Sets the delay time for starting playback of the Motion Sequence when Sync is set to Off. Settings: 0–127

Fade In Time (A/D Part Motion Seq Lane Fade In Time Length)

Sets the time for the Motion Sequence to reach maximum amplitude when Sync is set to Off. Settings: 0–127

When Sync is set to something other than Off
Unit (A/D Part Motion Seq Lane Unit Multiply)

Sets the percentage for stretching or compressing the Motion Sequencer playback time for the current Lane.
This parameter is available when Sync (Lane Sync) is set to Off or something other than Lane 1. Settings: 50%–6400%, Common
200%: The playback time is doubled, and the tempo is halved as a result.
100%: The playback time is kept unchanged.
50%: The playback time is halved, and the tempo is doubled as a result.
Common: The value set in the Unit Multiply common to all Parts is applied.

Delay Steps (A/D Part Motion Seq Lane Key On Delay Step Length)

Sets the delay time for starting the playback of the Motion Sequence when Sync is set to something other than Off or Lane1. Settings: 0–32

Fade In Steps (A/D Part Motion Seq Lane Fade In Step Length)

Sets the time to reach the maximum amplitude for the Motion Sequence when Sync is set to something other than Off. Settings: 0–32

Lane Vel Limit (Lane Velocity Limit)

Sets the velocity range (lowest and highest values) for playing back the Motion Sequence of the selected Lane.
This parameter is available when Sync (Lane Sync) is set to something other than Lane 1.
When this is set to a range from the highest value to the lowest value, the Motion Sequence will only be played back from two velocity ranges: from the maximum to the highest value, and from the lowest value to the minimum. Settings: 1–127

Loop/Length tab
Key On Reset (Lane Key On Reset)

Resets the Motion Sequence playback when you press any key on the keyboard.
This parameter is available when Sync (Lane Sync) is set to something other than Lane 1.
This parameter is not available when Trigger is set to On. Settings: Off, Each-On, 1st-On
Each-On: The sequence will be reset each time you play any note, and playback starts from the beginning.
1st-On: The sequence will be reset at the first note, and playback starts from the beginning. The sequence will not be reset when a second note is played while the first note is being played.

Loop (Lane Loop)

Sets the Motion Sequence to loop (repeat) playback or one-shot playback.
This parameter is available when Sync (Lane Sync) is set to something other than Lane 1. Settings: Off, On

Loop Start (Lane Loop Start)

Specifies the starting point for loop playback of the Motion Sequence. Settings: 1–16 (should be below the Length setting)

Length (Motion Seq Length)

Sets the number of steps in the Motion Sequence. Settings: 1–16 (should be above the Loop Start setting)

MS Grid (Motion Sequencer Grid)

Sets the length of a step in the Motion Sequence. Settings: 60, 80, 120, 160, 240, 320, 480

Opens the setting screen for the Motion Sequence.
You can create a sequence of up to 16 steps.

Loop Start (Lane Loop Start)

Specifies the starting point for loop playback of the Motion Sequence. Settings: 1–16 (should be below the Length setting)

Length (Motion Sequence Length)

Sets the Motion Sequence length. Settings: 1–16 (should be above the Loop Start setting)

MS Grid (Motion Sequencer Grid)

Sets the length of a step in the Motion Sequence. Settings: 60, 80, 120, 160, 240, 320, 480

Sequence Select (Motion Sequence Select)

Changes the Motion Sequence type selection. Settings: 1–8

Lane Select

Changes the Lane selection. Settings: 1–4

Polarity (Motion Sequence Polarity)

Sets the polarity of the Motion Sequence. Settings: Unipolar, Bipolar
Unipolar: Only positive values are used for the parameter change.
Bipolar: Both positive and negative values are used for the parameter change.

Amplitude (Motion Sequence Amplitude)

Sets the degree of changes in the Motion Sequence. Settings: 0–127

Smooth (Motion Sequence Smoothness)

Sets the smoothness of the changes in the Motion Sequence over time. Settings: 0–127


Shows various Jobs.

Motion Sequence Step Value

Sets the value for each step in the Motion Sequence.
You can use Control sliders 1 to 8 to change the values for Steps 1 to 8 and Steps 9 to 16, depending on the cursor position. Settings: 0–127

Motion Sequence Step Type

Sets the type and direction of each step in the Motion Sequence. Settings: A, B, Reverse A, Reverse B

Pulse A (Motion Sequence Step Curve Type A)
Pulse B (Motion Sequence Step Curve Type B)

Selects a parameter change curve for Pulse A and Pulse B.
Use the Motion Sequence Step Type to select which of the curve types to use for each step.
The vertical axis represents the time while the horizontal axis represents the step value. Settings: (When a preset bank is selected) Standard, Sigmoid, Threshold, Bell, Dogleg, FM, AM, M, Discrete Saw, Smooth Saw, Triangle, Square, Trapezoid, Tilt Sine, Bounce, Resonance, Sequence, Hold, Harmonic, Steps
(When a user bank is selected) User 1–32
(When a library file is loaded) Curves used in Library 1–16

Prm 1 (Motion Sequence Step Curve Parameter 1)
Prm 2 (Motion Sequence Step Curve Parameter 2)

Adjusts the shape of the step curve in the Motion Sequence.
This setting is not available depending on the curve type. The range of the parameter value differs depending on the curve type.

Control (Motion Sequence Step Curve Shape Control Switch)

Enables or disables the use of the knobs for controlling the step curve shape of the Motion Sequence.
Shown only when MS FX is set to On. This setting may not be available depending on the curve type. Settings: Off, On

Store Sequence

Saves (stores) the edited Motion Sequence.

Load Sequence

Loads the Motion Sequence.

Copy Sequence

Copies the Motion Sequence.

The Control Assign screen lets you set the Controllers for all Parts.
By assigning a parameter (Destination) to a controller (Source), you can control the sound in a large variety of ways. You can use physical controllers such as the Pitch Bend wheel and knobs as well as the Motion Sequencer and Envelope Follower.
Up to 32 controllers can be assigned simultaneously to a Part.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → ControlControl Assign
  • Tap Edit Super Knob on the Super Knob screen
Auto Select

Sets the auto select of the Display Filter on or off.
When set to On, moving the controller you wish to set to Source automatically sets the controller to the Display Filter. Settings: Off, On

Display Filter

Selects the controller for showing the settings on the screen.
When you select Super Knob, all settings for Knobs 1 to 8 having the Super Knob Link set to On will be shown. Settings: PitchBend, ModWheel, Ch. AT, FootCtrl 1, FootCtrl 2, FootSwitch, Ribbon, Breath, AsgnKnob 1–8, Super Knob, AsgnSw 1, AsgnSw 2, MS Lane 1–4, EnvFollow 1–16, EnvFollowAD, EnvFollowMst, All

Display Name (Assignable Knob Name)

This allows you to enter a new name for Knobs 1 to 8 to show on the Sub display.
This parameter is not shown when Source is set to something other than AsgnKnob 1–8.

Edit Pitch Bend

Opens the General/PitchPitch screen.
This parameter is not available when Source is set to something other than PitchBend.

Edit Motion Sequencer

Opens the setting screen for the Motion Sequence.
This parameter is not available when Source is set to something other than MS Lane 1–4.

Edit Envelope Follower

Opens the settings screen for Envelope Follower.
This parameter is not available when Source is set to something other than EnvFollow 1–16, EnvFollowAD, or EnvFollowMst.


Sets the parameter to the Destination. Tapping the [+] icon allows you to add a new Destination.
When Source is set to AsgnKnob 1–8, Part1–16 Assign1–8 is added to the settings. In that case, Curve Type and Curve Ratio are not available.


Sets the controller for controlling the parameters set to the Destination.
When Destination is set to Part1–16 Assign1–8, only AsgnKnob 1–8 will be available. Other controllers cannot be used. Settings: PitchBend, ModWheel, Ch. AT, FootCtrl 1, FootCtrl 2, FootSwitch, Ribbon, Breath, AsgnKnob 1–8, AsgnSw 1, AsgnSw 2, MS Lane 1–4, EnvFollow 1–16, EnvFollowAD, EnvFollowMst

Destination to Name

Copies the parameters set to Destination to Display Name.
This parameter is not shown when Source is set to something other than AsgnKnob 1–8.


Deletes the selected Destination.

Destination (Part Assignable Knob Destination)

Sets the parameter to show when you try to set Part1–16 Assign1–8 to the Destination and multiple Destinations are already assigned to Part Assign.

Parameter (Part Assignable Knob Parameter)

Sets the Part parameter to the Destination. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

The parameters shown below appear only when Destination 1–32 is set to Part1–16 Assign1–8. Also, only the shortcut buttons are available on the screens when Part Knobs 1–8 cannot be found in Destination.

Edit (Part) Control Assign

Opens the Control Assign screen for the selected Part.

Curve Type

Sets the change curve of the parameter set to Destination.
The horizontal axis represents the controller value set in Source while the vertical axis represents the parameter value. Settings: Standard, Sigmoid, Threshold, Bell, Dogleg, FM, AM, M, Discrete Saw, Smooth Saw, Triangle, Square, Trapezoid, Tilt Sine, Bounce, Resonance, Sequence, Hold, Harmonic, Steps, User 1–32 (when a User bank is selected), Library 1–16 (when a Library file is loaded)

Polarity (Curve Polarity)

Sets the polarity of the curve set in Curve Type. Settings: Uni, Bi
Uni: Parameter changes occur only within the positive range or the negative range according to the curve shape.
Bi: Parameter changes occur both in positive and negative ranges according to the curve shape.

Ratio (Curve Ratio)

Sets the ratio of the parameter values. Settings: −128–+127

Param 1 (Curve Parameter 1)
Param 2 (Curve Parameter 2)

Adjusts the curve shape.
This setting is not available depending on the curve type.

Edit User Curve

Opens the setting screen for User Curve.
You can create either an 8-point linear curve or an 8-step curve.

Selects the keyboard Aftertouch settings sent from the Performance to the internal tone generator on MONTAGE M8x.

Settings: The output of Aftertouch to an external device should be set from [UTILITY] → SettingsMIDI I/OAT MIDI Out.

The MONTAGE M8x has a built-in keyboard that supports polyphonic aftertouch.
The built-in keyboards on the MONTAGE M6 and MONTAGE M7 support only Channel Aftertouch; however, their internal tone generator supports polyphonic aftertouch, allowing you to use polyphonic aftertouch for playing back Songs and Patterns, as well as for receiving MIDI messages from an external device compatible with polyphonic aftertouch.
To set Aftertouch reception with the internal tone generator, set the parameter on the Tx/Rx Switch screen.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → ControlAfter Touch
Keyboard AT Mode (After Touch Mode)

Selects the mode for sending Aftertouch messages from the keyboard to the internal tone generator.
This parameter is set to Channel on MONTAGE M6 and MONTAGE M7, regardless of the setting here. Settings: Poly (polyphonic aftertouch), Channel (channel aftertouch)

Sets the Ribbon controller.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → ControlRibbon Settings
  • [SHIFT] + [HOLD]
Ribbon Grid Mode

Sets the grid mode for the Ribbon controller. Settings: Continuous, 5 step, 3 step


Set to Continuous if you wish to use the Ribbon Controller setting you have set on the Control Assign screen.

Continuous mode
Ribbon Mode (Ribbon Controller Mode)

Sets the way the Ribbon Controller functions. Settings: Hold, Reset
Hold: Retains the value of the position at which you release your finger from the Ribbon Controller.
Reset: Automatically resets the value to the mid position when you release your finger from the Ribbon Controller.

5-step mode
3-step mode
Control Part

Selects the Part to be controlled with the Ribbon Controller. Settings: 1–16, Common

Control Destination

Settings: Refer to the Control Box Destination section on the Data List.

Step Value 1–5

Settings: Depends on the Destination

Sets the Control Change number for the entire Performance.
You can assign specific MIDI Control Change numbers to the Knobs on the top panel and controllers on the external device.


As for controllers not included on this instrument, you can use an external sequencer or external MIDI controllers.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → ControlControl Number
Ribbon Ctrl (Ribbon Controller Control Number)

Sets the Control Change number generated by the operation of the Ribbon Controller.
When this instrument receives a MIDI Control Change message of the number set with this parameter from the external device, the message is treated the same as the operation of the built-in Ribbon Controller. Settings: Off, 1–95

Breath Ctrl (Breath Controller Control Number)

Sets the Control Change number for the Breath Controller to be received from the external device.
When this instrument receives a MIDI Control Change message of the number set with this parameter from the external device, the message is treated the same as the operation of the Breath Controller. Settings: Off, 1–95

Foot Ctrl 1 (Foot Controller 1 Control Number)
Foot Ctrl 2 (Foot Controller 2 Control Number)

Sets the Control Change number generated by the operation of the Foot Controller connected to the FOOT CONTROLLER jack.
When this instrument receives a MIDI Control Change message of the number set with this parameter from the external device, the message is treated the same as the operation of the Foot Controller. Settings: Off, 1–95, Super Knob

Assign Sw 1 (Assignable Switch 1 Control Number)
Assign Sw 2 (Assignable Switch 2 Control Number)

Sets the Control Change number generated by the operation of the [ASSIGN 1] and [ASSIGN 2] buttons.
When this instrument receives a MIDI Control Change message of the number set with this parameter from the external device, the message is treated the same as the operation of the [ASSIGN 1] and [ASSIGN 2] buttons. Settings: Off, 1–95

MS Triger (Motion Sequencer Trigger Switch Control Number)

Sets the Control Change number generated by the operation of the [MSEQ TRIGGER] button.
When this instrument receives a MIDI Control Change message of the number set with this parameter from the external device, the message is treated the same as the operation of the [MSEQ TRIGGER] button. Settings: Off, 1–95

Assign Knob (Assignable Knob Control Number)

Sets the Control Change number generated by the operation of Knobs 1 to 8.
When this instrument receives a MIDI Control Change message of the number set with this parameter from the external device, the message is treated the same as the operation of Knobs 1 to 8. Settings: Off, 1–95

MIDI Settings

Opens the MIDI settings screen.
The same screen can be opened from the [UTILITY] → SettingsMIDI I/O.

FS Assign (Foot Switch Assign Control Number)

Shows the Control Change number generated by the operation of the footswitch connected to the FOOT SWITCH [ASSIGNABLE] jack. When this instrument receives a MIDI Control Change message of the number set with this parameter from the external device, the message is treated the same as the operation of the footswitch.

Scene CC (Scene Control Change Number)

Shows the Control Change number generated by the operation of the SCENE buttons. When this instrument receives a MIDI Control Change message of the number set with this parameter from the external device, the message is treated the same as the operation of the SCENE buttons.

Super Knob CC (Super Knob Control Change Number)

Shows the Control Change number generated by the operation of the Super Knob. When this instrument receives a MIDI Control Change message of the number set with this parameter from the external device, the message is treated the same as the operation of the Super Knob.


When Scene CC and Super Knob CC are set to Off, System Exclusive (SysEx) is used for handling MIDI messages.

FS Assign, Scene CC, and Super Knob CC are used for the entire instrument. If desired, change these settings from the Utility MIDI Settings screen.

Sets the controller mode.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Common selection → [EDIT/] → ControlControl Settings
  • [SHIFT] + [ASSIGN 1]
  • [SHIFT] + [ASSIGN 2]
Slider Direction Part 1–8

Sets the direction of the Control sliders 1 to 8 when the slider mode is set to PART. Settings: Normal (up from the bottom), Reverse (down from the top)

Assignable Switch 1 Mode
Assignable Switch 2 Mode

Sets the [ASSIGN 1] and [ASSIGN 2] buttons for Latch or Momentary setting. Settings: Latch, Momentary
Latch: Sets to On when you press the button and sets to Off when you press the button again.
Momentary: Sets to On while you are holding down the button and sets to Off when you release the button.