Main page

a | Decay button Adjusts the decay time of the reverb. |
b | Hi Cut button Adjusts the frequency of the high cut filter at the input stage of the reverb. |
c | Rev Size button Adjusts the perceptual size of the reverb. |
d | Pre Delay button Adjusts the delay of the reverb input. |
e | Rev Delay button Adjusts the delay of the reverb tail. |
f | Rev Width button Adjusts the width of the reverb tail. |
g | Decrease button Adjusts the number of reflections for the early reflections. |
h | Lo Color button Adjusts the low-frequency range of the early reflections. |
i | Early Start button Adjusts the first early reflections to eliminate them. |
j | Hi Color button Adjusts the high-frequency range of the early reflections. |
k | Early Stop button Adjusts the end of the early reflections to reduce them. |
l | Location Type list Selects the type of location. |
m | Positions indicator Indicates the positions of the input sources. |
n | Source 1/2 buttons Select the position of input sources 1/2. |
o | Input meter Indicates the input level. |
p | Output meter Indicates the output level. |
q | In Level button Adjusts the input level. |
r | Mute Input button Mutes the input. |
s | Out Level button Adjusts the output level. |
t | Mute Output button Mutes the output. |
u | Reverb Level button Adjusts the level of the reverb tail. |
v | Mute Reverb button Mutes the reverb. |
w | Early Level button Adjusts the level of the early reflections. |
x | Mute Early button Mutes the early reflections. |