CH Parameter
- Controlling GAIN/SILK via the Selected Channel section(CS-R10, CSR10- S, CSD-R7)
- Controlling GAIN via the Selected Channel section (CS-R5, CS-R3)
- Controlling GAIN/SILK via the OVERVIEW screen
- GAIN/SILK popup window
- Controlling GAIN/SILK via the SELECTED CHANNEL VIEW screen
- Signal level that flows on the TWINLANe network when gain compensation is on
- About EQ
- EQUALIZER section(CS-R10, CSR10- S, CSD-R7)
- Controlling the EQ via the Selected Channel section (CS-R10, CSR10- S, CSD-R7)
- Controlling the EQ via the Selected Channel section (CS-R5, CS-R3)
- Controlling the EQ via the OVERVIEW screen
- Controlling an EQ via the SELECTED CHANNEL VIEW screen
- EQ popup window (CH 1–72, CH 73–144, MIX, MTRX/ST)
- EQ popup window (1ch)
- Touch EQ screen
- DYNAMICS section
- Controlling a dynamics processor via the Selected Channel section
- Controlling a dynamics processor via the OVERVIEW screen
- Dynamics fields
- Controlling a dynamics processor via the SELECTED CHANNEL VIEW screen
- DYNAMICS 1/2 popup window (1CH)
- DYNAMICS 1/2 popup window (CH 1-72, CH 73-144, MIX, MTRX/ST)
- About insert
- Using the Selected Channel section to make INSERT settings (only for CS-R10, CS-R10-S, CSD-R7)
- INSERT section
- Using the OVERVIEW screen to make INSERT settings
- Using the SELECTED CHANNEL VIEW screen to make INSERT settings
- INSERT screen
- OUTBOARD screen
- INSERT/D.OUT popup window (1CH)
- INSERT/D.OUT popup window (12CH INSERT 1, 12CH INSERT 2)
- Inserting an external device into a channel
- Directly outputting an input channel
- INSERT/D.OUT popup window (1CH/D.OUT)
- INSERT/D.OUT popup window (12CH/D.OUT)
- Patching multiple Direct Outs simultaneously
- About delay
- DELAY section(CS-R10, CSR10- S, CSD-R7)
- Controlling the delay via the Selected Channel section(CS-R10, CSR10- S, CSD-R7)
- Controlling the delay via the OVERVIEW screen
- Controlling the delay via the SELECTED CHANNEL VIEW screen
- DELAY popup window (12ch)
- DELAY popup window (CH 1-72, CH 73-144, MIX, MTRX/ST)
- DELAY SCALE popup window
- DELAY TIME popup window
- Using SENDS TO
- MIX/MATRIX SEND section(CS-R10, CSR10- S, CSD-R7)
- Using the Selected Channel section to make send level settings(CS-R10, CSR10- S, CSD-R7)
- SENDS TO popup window
- SENDS FROM popup window
- Using the faders to adjust the sends (SENDS ON FADER mode)
- SENDS ON FADER popup window
- Using the Touch Screen section to make send level settings (CS-R5, CS-R3)
- Using the Quick data copy function
- Operating the Quick Data Copy function from the OVERVIEW screen or SENDS TO/SENDS FROM popup windows
- PARAMETER COPY popup window
- Operating the Quick Data Copy function from the HPF/EQ and DYNAMICS 1/2 popup windows
- PARAMETER SET popup window
- Operating the Quick Data Copy function from the SELECTED CHANNEL VIEW and TO STEREO popup windows
- PARAMETER SET popup window
- Controlling via the TO STEREO section
- TO STEREO section
- ST mode and LCR mode
- Sending a signal to a STEREO bus
- TO STEREO popup window
- Signal flow
- SIGNAL FLOW popup window