GEQ screen

The graphic EQ (hereafter GEQ) can be used on MIX 1-6 and STEREO channels.

The GEQ is a mono, 31-band EQ. Each band is 1/3 octave wide, with an adjustable gain range of ±15 dB.

The 31Band GEQ has 31 bands, of which you can adjust gain for up to 15 bands.


GEQ buttons

Turns the GEQ ON/OFF.


GEQ channel/LR Link selection buttons

Displayed when the signal type selected is MIX channel or STEREO channel.

They are not displayed when monorail or MIX channel are selected.

  • Chain icon:
  • Turns the LR Link ON/OFF.
  • L/R :
  • Switches the selected channel L or R.


Frequency characteristics, RTA display, gain controllable band selection

Displays the parameter characteristics/RTA.

Swipe left or right or touch an area to display the gain sliders for other bands.

When Fader Assign is turned ON, you can change which bands can be adjusted by the faders.


Recall Safe button

Touch to display the RECALL SAFE screen.


Fader Assign button

When ON, you can use the faders to adjust each band of the GEQ.


Output level meter

Displays the GEQ's output level.


Gain sliders

Adjusts the gain by dragging sliders up/down.

Swipe left or right to display the gain sliders for other bands.

Double-touch a slider to return the gain setting to the middle (0.0 dB).

When Fader Assign is turned ON, you can change which bands can be adjusted by the faders.


  • When a slider is highlighted, if you press the [TOUCH AND TURN] knob, the parameters that can be adjusted with it toggle between slider selection and gain setting.


RTA Offset

Adjusts the RTA sensitivity. Touch to highlight and then adjust with the [TOUCH AND TURN] knob.


Available bands display

Displays the number of unused bands whose gain can be adjusted.

GEQ screen menu

Swipe left on the menu swipe indicator on the right of the GEQ screen to open the following menu.



Copies the GEQ parameters of the selected channel.



Pastes the copied GEQ parameters to the selected channel.



Allows you to compare the GEQ parameters of the selected channel with the copied GEQ parameters by switching between the two.



Resets all GEQ settings to their default values.