Rec’n’Share Manual

Audio Analysis Screen

On this screen, you can re-analyze the tempo of the currently selected song. If the results do not match those of the original song, try changing the analysis settings.

a  Displays the song’s waveform. The red frame indicates the analysis range and click range.

The accuracy of the analysis will be improved by deselecting the SE part, in case those are included in the top or the end of the song.

Pinch in/out to zoom the waveform in/out. Swipe to scroll the waveform, and tap to move the cursor. Hold and drag the locator on both sides to change the playback range.

b  For returning to the left locator.

c  For starting playback. Tap once again to pause.

d  For changing the tempo analysis settings. Specifically, this lets you choose the tempo that was originally detected and tempos that are half or twice that.

e  Tap to re-analyze after changing the analysis range in step a, or after changing the Analysis Tempo Rate in step d.