Basic operation

  1. Start Yamaha LAN Monitor.

    lan map marked 2

  2. From the network adapter selection pull-down menu in the toolbar, select the network adapter to which the network that you want to monitor is connected.


  3. Click [Setup] in the menu bar → [Basic Settings] to configure basic Yamaha LAN Monitor settings.
    Click [OK] to apply settings.

    Basic settings en

    For more details on [Basic Settings], refer to the [Basic Settings] under the “Menu bar”.
  4. Select the device you wish to monitor in the “Tree” view.

    tree view marked selected

  5. Click the [Snapshots] button on the toolbar to use the snapshot function, as needed.
    Click the [Snapshots] button to save the current network status, issues detected, and other information to Yamaha LAN Monitor as a snapshot.