1. Introduction

Thank you for downloading Yamaha ProVisionaire Kiosk.
ProVisionaire Kiosk is an application for remotely controlling devices such as those compatible with DME7, RM-CR, RM-CG, DM7, DM3, and MusicCast.
ProVisioniare Kiosk works on a Windows computer, iPad, or iPhone.

1.1. Note

  • All copyrights for this software and setup guide are the property of Yamaha Corporation.

  • Unauthorized copying or modification of this software or setup guide in part or in whole is prohibited.

  • Please be aware that Yamaha Corporation accepts no responsibility for any results or consequences that may follow from the use of this software and setup guide.

  • All of the illustrations and screen shots in this setup guide are provided for the purpose of explaining operations. For this reason, they may differ from the actual specifications.

  • iPad, iPhone, and AirDrop are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and in other countries.

  • IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.

  • App Store and iTunes are registered service marks of Apple Inc., in the U.S. and other countries and regions.

  • Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation USA in the United States and in other countries.

  • Please be aware of copyright when using audio sources for a commercial purpose. Infringement of copyright is prohibited by law.

  • Company names and product names appearing in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

  • The application software may be updated without notice for improvement. The latest application software can be downloaded from the Yamaha Pro Audio website.

1.2. What you can do using ProVisionaire Kiosk

  • You can control devices by loading controller files (extension: .pvksk) designed on ProVisionaire Control PLUS. Controller files can be loaded on both ProVisionaire Kiosk (Windows version) and ProVisionaire Kiosk (iOS/iPadOS version).

  • A controller has multiple pages (screens consisting of multiple buttons, sliders, and other controls) that you can use for different purposes. You can place controls for multiple devices on one page.

  • You can set three levels of access restrictions: Power User, Administrator, and Screen Lock.
    For details, refer to the “ProVisionaire Control PLUS User Guide.”

  • You can switch the displayed page by recalling a preset on any device (Monitor Device).
    For details, refer to the “ProVisionaire Control PLUS User Guide.”

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