The menu bar contains the commands that can be executed by ProVisionaire Amp Editor, grouped by category.
Click here to see a list of commands.
Commands frequently used in ProVisionaire Amp Editor, such as "Print" and "Align Left Side," are provided as buttons in the toolbar.

4.1. [File] menu

Command Toolbar button Summary Dialog box that appears


New Button

Creates a new project file.
This command is not available while online.



Open Button

Opens a saved project file.
This command is not available while online.
When you open a project file for which a PIN code has been specified, the "Security" dialog box appears.

"Open File" dialog box / "Security" dialog box


Save Button

Saves the project file (overwriting the previous version of the file).


[Save As]


Saves the project file as a different file.

"Save File" dialog box

[Save with Style]


Saves the project file including the user style.
Even if this project file is opened on another computer, the user style is not automatically imported. If you want to import it, open the project file and then execute [Import Style from Project File].

"Save File" dialog box

[Export Style]


Allows a user style saved on the computer to be exported as a file (filename extension .pvds).

"Export Style" dialog box

[Import Style]


Imports an exported user style back into the computer.

"Import Style" dialog box

[Import Style from Project File]


From a project file that includes the user style, imports the user style into the computer.


[Reset Style to Default]


Initializes the user style to the state immediately after installation.


[Protect File]


Protects the project file by assigning it a PIN code.
When you open a protected file, you will be asked to enter the PIN code.

"Protect File" dialog box

[Project Information]


Allows you to include a memo in the project file to record inventory information or contact information.

"Project Information" dialog box


Print Button

Prints a scene and makes print-related settings.

"Print" dialog box

[Recentry Open File]


Lists up to five recently used project files, allowing you to open them.
This command is not available while online.




Exits ProVisionaire Amp Editor.
This command is not available while online.


4.2. [Edit] menu

Command Toolbar button Summary Dialog box that appears


Undo Button

Cancels the preceding operation. *1



Redo Button

Re-executes the operation that was canceled by [Undo]. *1



Cut Button

Moves the selected item to the copy buffer.



Copy Button

Copies the selected item to the copy buffer.



Paste Button

Pastes the item from the copy buffer to the selected location.


[Paste Parameters]


Overwrites (copies) the parameters of the component in the copy buffer to the selected component.


[Paste to Device Group]


Copies the device from the copy buffer to a device group.




Deletes the selected object.




Duplicates the selected object.


[Select All]


Selects all objects in the "Project" sheet. If you want to select the contents of a device group, select the device group and then choose [All].



[All Devices]
Selects all devices in the "Project" sheet. If you want to select the devices in a device group, select the device group and then choose [All Devices].



[All Wires]
Selects all wires in the "Project" sheet. If you want to select the wires in a device group, select the device group and then choose [All Wires].



[All Graphics]
Selects all graphics in the "Project" sheet. If you want to select the graphics in a device group, select the device group and then choose [All Graphics].



[All Link Groups]
Selects all link groups in the "Tuning" sheet.


[Create Device Group]


Groups the selected objects as a device group.


[Unpack Device Group]


Unpacks the objects in the selected device group onto the "Project" sheet.


*1. In the [Properties] area, you can specify the operation that the [Undo]/[Redo] command will affect: either placing/moving/deleting an object, or creating/deleting a wire between devices.

4.3. [View] menu

Command Toolbar button Summary Dialog box that appears

[Bird’s Eye]


If this item has a check mark, the corresponding area is shown.


[Project Devices]/
[Link Group]/
[Bird’s Eye]


If this item has a check mark, the corresponding area is shown.


[Preset]/[Bird’s Eye]


If this item has a check mark, the corresponding area is shown.


[Zoom In]

Zoom In Button

Magnifies the display within the sheet.


[Zoom Out]

Zoom Out Button

Shrinks the display within the sheet.


[Zoom to 100%]

Zoom to 100% Button

Sets the display zoom within the sheet to 100%.


[Zoom to Fit]

Zoom to Fit Button

Adjusts the magnification so that all placed objects are visible in the sheet.


[Print Area]


On the sheet, shows the paper size specified in the "Print" dialog box. The (x,y)=(0,0) of the sheet is the top left of the paper.


4.4. [System] menu

Command Toolbar button Summary Dialog box that appears

[Network Setup]


Selects the computer’s network adapter that will be used to communicate with the devices.
You can also change the IP address of the network adapter.

"Network Setup" dialog box

[IP Settings]


Lists the devices on the network, allowing you to change their IP address.

"IP Settings" dialog box

[Match Device by IP Address]


Makes settings so that ProVisionaire Amp Editor searches for devices by their IP address.
Make this setting if the computer is on a different subnet than the devices.

"Match Devices by IP Address" dialog box

[Device Information]


Lists the devices on the network, allowing you to update their firmware, or initialize or restart them.

"Device Information" dialog box

[ProVisionaire Monitoring Service]→[View]


Lists the devices on the network, allowing you to view the device status and log. For the supported models, refer to "Devices that support system monitoring functionality" on the "ProVisionaire Control" website.

"ProVisionaire Monitoring Service" window

[ProVisionaire Monitoring Service]→[Setup]


Makes settings for ProVisionaire Monitoring Service.

"ProVisionaire Monitoring Service Setup" dialog box



Lists the devices on the network, allowing you to view the log.

"Log" dialog box



Regardless of the online/offline state, the time and date will be updated for all devices connected to the same network.

"Clock" dialog box

4.5. [Arrange] menu

Command Toolbar button Summary Dialog box that appears

[Align Left Sides]

Align Left Sides Button

Aligns the left edge to the left-most of the multiple selected objects.


[Align Right Sides]

Align Right Sides Button

Aligns the right edge to the right-most of the multiple selected objects.


[Align Tops]

Align Tops Button

Aligns the top edge to the highest of the multiple selected objects.


[Align Bottoms]

Align Bottoms Button

Aligns the bottom edge to the lowest of the multiple selected objects.


[Align Horizontal Centers]

Align Horizontal Centers Button

Aligns the center of the object to the horizontal mid-point of the multiple selected objects.


[Align Vertical Centers]

Align Vertical Centers Button

Aligns the center of the object to the vertical mid-point of the multiple selected objects.


[Distribute Horizontally]

Distribute Horizontally Button

Spaces the selected objects evenly in the horizontal direction.


[Distribute Vertically]

Distribute Vertically Button

Spaces the selected objects evenly in the vertical direction.


[Same Horizontally]

Same Horizontally Button

Aligns the height of the selected objects.


[Same Widths]

Same Widths Button

Aligns the width of the selected objects.


[Bring to Front]


Moves the selected object to the foreground.


[Bring to Back]


Moves the selected object to the farthest background.


4.6. [Window] menu

Command Toolbar button Summary Dialog box that appears

[Close All Editor Windows]


Closes all component editor and parameter setting windows.


[Show All Editor Windows]


Shows all component editor and parameter setting windows in the foreground.


[Hide All Editor Windows]


Hides all component editor and parameter setting windows.


4.7. [Help] menu

Command Toolbar button Summary Dialog box that appears

[Shortcut Keys]


Shows a list of shortcut keys.

"Shortcut Keys" window

4.8. Buttons only on the toolbar

The following buttons do not have corresponding menu commands.

Button Summary


Indicates the current magnification within the sheet. Click ▼ to change the magnification. You can click the numerical indication and directly enter a value. Shrinks the display within the sheet.

Pointer Button

Puts the mouse cursor in a mode for selecting or editing an object.

Line Button

Puts the mouse cursor in a mode for drawing lines in the "Project" sheet.

Poligon Button

Puts the mouse cursor in a mode for drawing polygons in the "Project" sheet.
When drawing a polygon, click to specify each corner. Double-click when you are finished drawing.


The stored Linked Presets are displayed as shown at left. (Empty Linked Presets device presets are not shown.) The Linked Presets you select here will be recalled.
When you click the ▼ at the right, a pulldown menu appears, allowing you to recall the selected Linked Presets.

Linked Preset Manager Button


This is lit if the devices and the computer are online. The color of the indicator will change according to the status.
Blue: When all placed devices are offline
Yellow: When at least one of the placed devices is offline
Unlit: When all devices are offline


When you click this, the "Synchronization" dialog box (synchronization method selection) appears, allowing you to synchronize the device with ProVisionaire Amp Editor.

If the placed device is not actually connected to the network, the [Online] button will not be available.


Click this to open the "Offline" dialog box .

If the placed device is not actually connected to the network, the [Offline] button will not be available.


Switches the status of the connection between ProVisionaire Amp Editor and the network. Even in the offline state, if this status is connected, ProVisionaire Amp Editor will send data to the network, for example to search for devices. Set this to the unconnected status if you don’t want unnecessary data to be transmitted, for example if you’re connected to an office LAN.

ConnectionButton Connected.
DisconnectionButton Disconnected.


When online with the device, the link group editor’s [SOLO] button is enabled.