5. Shortcut keys

Here are the shortcut keys that you can use in ProVisionaire Amp Editor.

Key combinations Operation


< F5 >

Execute [ Online ].

< Ctrl >+< F5 >

Execute [ Offline ].

Mouse wheel

Modify the value of a fader, knob, or numeric box.

< Alt > + click a parameter

Set the parameter to nominal.

< Alt >+< F4 >]

Opens the component editor that is in the foreground.

Sheet Operations

< ↑ >/< Ctrl >+< ↑ >

Scrolls the sheet upward.
If an object is selected, this moves the selected object upward.
Components of a device whose configuration is fixed cannot be moved.

< ↓ >/< Ctrl >+< ↓ >

Scrolls the sheet downward.
If an object is selected, this moves the selected object downward.
Components of a device whose configuration is fixed cannot be moved.

< ← >/< Ctrl >+< ← >

Scrolls the sheet to the left.
If an object is selected, this moves the selected object to the left.
Components of a device whose configuration is fixed cannot be moved.

< → >/< Ctrl >+< → >

Scrolls the sheet to the right.
If an object is selected, this moves the selected object to the right.
Components of a device whose configuration is fixed cannot be moved.

< Page Up >

Scrolls the sheet upward.

< Page Down >

Scrolls the sheet downward.

< Home >

Moves to the left-most object.

< End >

Moves to the right-most object.

< Ctrl >+< Home >

Moves to the object in the upper left corner.

< Ctrl >+< End >

Moves to the object in the lower right corner.

Mouse wheel

Scrolls the sheet upward or downward.

< Shift > + mouse wheel

Scrolls the sheet to the left or right.

< Ctrl > + mouse wheel

Zooms the sheet in/out.

< Alt >+< F3 >

Shows a list of sheets.


Double-click a component in the "Components" area

Initiates Stamp mode.
Stamp mode is a function that places a component on the sheet each time you click.

< Esc >

Exits Stamp mode or editing.

< Ctrl > + drag & drop an object into the "Project" sheet

Duplicates the object.

Alphabetical keys and numeric keys

Select the object in the sheet whose label starts with the corresponding character.
If there are multiple such components, they are selected successively.

< Ctrl > + click

Selects or de-selects multiple objects simultaneously.

< Shift > + click

Selects or de-selects multiple objects simultaneously.

Drag the mouse cursor

Selects the objects that are completely included in the rectangular area on the sheet.

< Ctrl > + drag the mouse cursor

Selects the objects that are completely or partially included in the rectangular area on the sheet.

Select multiple ports, and drag from one of the selected ports to a connection-destination object

Simultaneously connects multiple ports.