9. Tool bar

This contains buttons for commands that are frequently used with a ProVisionaire Control project, such as [Open Project File] or [Save].
In initial mode, the two buttons [New Project] and [Open Project File] are shown.

Button Command Summary

09 2

[New Project]

Creates a new project file. If you were editing the project file, a confirmation message appears.

09 3

[Open Project File] /[Open Controller File]

Opens an existing project file or controller file.
If you were editing the project file, a confirmation message appears.

09 4


Overwrite-saves the project file. The first time a file is saved, the “Save File” dialog box opens; assign a name to the file and save it.

09 5


Runs the selected controller in control mode.

09 6

[Run Controller File]

Opens the “Run Controller File” dialog box.
You can send the controller to your iPad/iPhone and check its operation.

09 7


Creates a controller file for the selected controller. Also, sends the controller file to the iPad/iPhone on which Kiosk is installed.