14. “Properties” area

This area shows the properties of a page or a widget.
You can edit items whose “Value” field is not shaded.
To expand or collapse individual items, double-click the property category name.

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14.1. Buttons

Commands that are frequently used for properties operations are placed at the top of the “Properties” area as buttons.

Button Command Summary

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[Expand All]

Expands all of the properties items.

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[Collapse All]

Collapses all of the properties items.

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[Copy Appearance]

Copies the Appearance (appearance-related settings) of the selected widget to the copy buffer.

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[Paste Appearance]

Pastes the Appearance (appearance-related settings) stored in the copy buffer onto the selected widget.

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[Save as Style]

Reflects the Appearance of the selected widget as the style.