5. Shortcut keys

Here are the shortcut keys that you can use in ProVisionaire Design.


Key combinations Operation

< F5 >key

Execute [ Online ].

< Ctrl >key + < F5 >key

Execute [ Offline ].

Mouse wheel

Modify the value of a fader, knob, or numeric box.

Whilst holding down < Alt >key + click a parameter in Component Editor.

Set the parameter to nominal value.

< Alt >key + < F4 >key

Opens the component editor that is in the foreground.

Sheet Operations

Key combinations Operation

< ↑ >key/< Ctrl >key + < ↑ >key

Scrolls the sheet upward.
If an object is selected, this moves the selected object upward.
Components of a device whose configuration is fixed cannot be moved.

< ↓ >key/< Ctrl >key + < ↓ >key

Scrolls the sheet downward.
If an object is selected, this moves the selected object downward.
Components of a device whose configuration is fixed cannot be moved.

< ← >key/< Ctrl key> + < ← >key

Scrolls the sheet to the left.
If an object is selected, this moves the selected object to the left.
Components of a device whose configuration is fixed cannot be moved.

< → >key/< Ctrl >key + < → >key

Scrolls the sheet to the right.
If an object is selected, this moves the selected object to the right.
Components of a device whose configuration is fixed cannot be moved.

< Page Up >key

Scrolls the sheet upward.

< Page Down >key

Scrolls the sheet downward.

< Home >key

Moves to the left-most object.

< End >key

Moves to the right-most object.

< Ctrl >key + < Home >key

Moves to the object in the upper left corner.

< Ctrl >key + < End >key

Moves to the object in the lower right corner.

Mouse wheel

Scrolls the sheet upward or downward.

< Shift >key + mouse wheel

Scrolls the sheet to the left or right.

< Ctrl >key + mouse wheel

Zooms the sheet in/out.

< Alt >key + < F3 >key

Shows a list of sheets.


Key combinations Operation

Double-click on any object in "Components".

Initiates Stamp mode.
Stamp mode is a function that places a component on the sheet each time you click.

< Esc >key

Discontinue Stamp Mode and in-progress edits.

Click on existing object in Design Sheet whilst holding down < Ctrl > key, then drag and drop from that item.

Duplicate a object.

Whilst holding down < Ctrl > key, drag and drop component(s) from Design Sheet or parameter from component editor window.

Assign item(s) to the following windows
-Parameter sets
-GPI dialog box
-Remote Control Setup List dialog box
-DCP Components

Drag and drop component(s) or parameter(s) from "Parameters".

Assign item(s) to the following windows
-Parameter sets
-GPI dialog box
-Remote Control Setup List dialog box
-DCP Components

Alphanumeric keys

-Design Sheet
Select the component(s) with label beginning with matching character. If more than one component, step through them.

-Components, Parameter Sets, Parameters
Select the componenUParameter/Group with labelb eginning with matching character. If more than one component, step through them

< Ctrl > key+ click

Simultaneously select or deselect multiple objects.

< Shift > key+ click

Simultaneously select or deselect multiple objects.

Drag the mouse cursor.

Select objects that are fully contained inside the rectangular area.

While holding down the < Ctrl > key, drag the mouse cursor.

Select objects that are partially contained inside the rectangular target area.

While holding down the < Shift > key, drag the mouse cursor.

Select component input ports that are fully inside the rectangular target area.

While holding down the < Alt > key, drag the mouse cursor.

Select component output ports that are fuly inside the rectangular target area.

While holding down the < Shift > key+ < Alt > key, drag the mouse cursor.

Select the component input and output ports that are fully inside the rectangular target area.

Select and drag from the origin port on a component to destination port on another component.

Create a wire connection between component ports.
Pressing the space key while dragging opens the Transmitter or Reciever Form dialog window.

Select wires and press < Space > key.

Connect the wires to the Transmitter and Reciever components.

Select and drag from multiple origin ports of a component to destination port on another component.

Create multiple wire connections between component port

Select output ports of audio components when the Probe Monitor component is ON.

Sets Monitor Probe 1.

Hold down the < Shift > key and select the output port of the audio component when the Probe Monitor component is On.

Sets Monitor Probe 2.

Select the input port of the audio component when the Probe Monitor component is On.

Sets the oscillator probe.