
On the Part Settings screen, you can set general parameters (such as the Part names and tone generation system) for the Part.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → General/PitchPart Settings
Main Category (Part Main Category)
Sub Category (Part Sub Category)

Sets the Main category and Sub category of the selected Part. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Part Name

You can save the Part you are editing under a new name, using up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
Tapping on the name calls up the onscreen keyboard, allowing you to enter a name.


Sets the volume of the selected Part. Settings: 0–127


Sets the Pan for the selected Part. Settings: L63–C (center)–R63

Dry Level

Sets the Dry Level of the selected Part.
This parameter is available only when Part Output is set to MainL&R. Settings: 0–127

Var Send (Variation Send)

Sets the Variation Send of the selected Part.
This parameter is available only when Part Output is set to MainL&R. Settings: 0–127

Rev Send (Reverb Send)

Sets the Reverb Send of the selected Part.
This parameter is available only when Part Output is set to MainL&R. Settings: 0–127

Part Output (Part Output Select)

Sets the output destination for the audio signals of the selected Part. Settings: MainL&R, AsgnL&R, USB1&2–USB29&30, AsgnL, AsgnR, USB1–30, Off
MainL&R: Outputs in stereo (two channels) to the OUTPUT [L/MONO] and [R] jacks.
AsgnL&R: Outputs in stereo (two channels) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [L] and ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [R] jacks.
USB1&2–USB29&30: Outputs in stereo (channels 1 and 2, to channels 29 and 30) to the [USB TO HOST] terminal.
AsgnL: Outputs in mono (one channel) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [L] jack.
AsgnR: Outputs in mono (one channel) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [R] jack.
USB1–30: Outputs in mono (channels 1 to 30) to the [USB TO HOST] terminal.
Off: No output of the audio signal for the Part.


Sets the tone generation mode of the current Part. Mono is for playing single notes, and Poly is for playing multiple simultaneous notes.
When using the Mono setting for playing the keyboard in Legato, you can create a smooth transition of sounds from one note to another. Settings: Mono, Poly

Key Assign (Key Assign Mode)

Determines the method for producing the sound when the internal tone generator receives a Note On message of the same sound twice in a row.
The Multi setting is recommended for most cases. However, the Multi setting uses up many notes in the maximum polyphony, so it is recommended to change to Single if sounds in other Parts are dropped or not played properly. Settings: Single, Multi
Single: Stops the first note and then plays the same note again. This is convenient for repeating the same note on the same channel.
Multi: Plays the second note over the first note. This setting makes rolls and repeated notes sound natural, with crash cymbals or other percussion instruments having a long decay.

Arp Play Only (Arpeggio Play Only)

Sets the Part to play only in response to the Arpeggio.
Any Part set to On will be played by the Note On messages sent from the Arpeggio. Settings: Off, On

Element Pan (Element Pan Switch)

Sets the Pan to On or Off from the Element Edit ([EDIT/]→Part selection→Element selection→AmplitudeLevel/PanPan).
When set to Off, the Pan in the Element Edit will be set to C (center). Settings: Off, On

TG Note Limit (Note Limit)

Sets the note range (lowest and highest notes) for the Part.
When the first note of Note Limit is set higher than the second (for example, C5 to C4), the notes in the ranges C−2 to C4 and C5 to G8 will be played. Settings: C−2–G8

TG Vel Limit (Velocity Limit)

Sets the velocity range (lowest and highest values) for the Part.
When this is set so that the higher value is first and the lower value is second (for example, 93 to 34), the notes are played only for velocities of 1 to 34 and 93 to 127. Settings: 1–127

Velocity Offset (Velocity Sensitivity Offset)

Increases or decreases the velocity value that is sent to the internal tone generator. Settings: 0–127

When Depth = 64 and Offset = 32

When Depth = 64 and Offset = 64

When Depth = 64 and Offset = 96

(1)Actual resulting velocity (affecting the tone generator)
(2)Velocity with which you play a note
Velocity Depth (Velocity Sensitivity Depth)

Sets how the level of the velocity value that is sent to the internal tone generator responds to Velocity or the strength of the keystroke. Settings: 0–127

When Offset is set to 64:
(1)Actual resulting velocity (affecting the tone generator)
(2)Velocity with which you play a note

On the Zone Settings screen, you can set the parameters for the Zone function.
This function allows you to divide the entire keyboard into a maximum of eight sections (Zones) and independently assign a separate channel to each Zone. This way, you only need one keyboard to play the sounds of multiple keyboards. You can play multiple Parts on an external multi-timbral sound module or play both the internal tone generator and any connected external sound modules.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → General/PitchZone Settings
Keyboard Sw (Keyboard Control Switch)

Keyboard Control is used for selecting Parts to be played from the keyboard.
When this switch is set to On, you can simultaneously play all Parts having Keyboard Control set to On, if the Part is set to Common or Keyboard Control for the Part is set to On.
When Keyboard Control is set to Off, you can play the Part on the keyboard only when that Part is selected. Settings: Off, On

Zone Vel Limit (Zone Velocity Limit)

Sets the velocity range (lowest and highest values) for the Zone.
When this is set so that the higher value is first and the lower value is second (for example, 93 to 34), the notes are played only for velocities of 1 to 34 and 93 to 127. Settings: 1–127

Zone Note Limit

Sets the note range (lowest and highest notes) for the Zone.
When the first note of Note Limit is set higher than the second (for example, C5 to C4), the notes in the ranges C−2 to C4 and C5 to G8 will be played. Settings: C−2–G8

Octave Shift

Shifts the pitch of the zone in octaves. Settings: −3–+0 (standard)–+3 (in octaves)


Shifts the pitch of the zone in semitones. Settings: −11–+0 (standard)–+11

Part Mode

Switches the Part Mode.
Settings: Internal, External
Internal: Uses the internal tone generator.
External: Uses the external sound generator. Any Part set to External does not receive MIDI messages from the external device.

Tx/Rx Ch (Transmit/Receive Channel)

Sets the channel for transmitting and receiving MIDI messages when the Part Mode is set to Internal. Settings: Ch1–Ch16, Off

Transmit Ch

Sets the channel for transmitting and receiving MIDI messages when the Part Mode is set to External. Settings: Ch1–Ch16

MIDI I/O Ch (MIDI Input/Output Channel)

Shows the channel for controlling the Part set to Common and the Part with the Keyboard Sw set to On.
This setting is common to the entire instrument. The setting can be changed on the Utility MIDI Settings screen.
When using Tx/Rx Ch and Transmit Ch, do not use the same channel specified in MIDI I/O Ch. If the same channel is set to Tx/Rx Ch and Transmit Ch, the setting in MIDI I/O Ch will take priority. Settings: Ch1–Ch16

MIDI Settings

Opens the same screen as the UtilitySettingsMIDI I/O.


When this parameter is set to On, the MIDI Bank, MIDI Pgm Number, MIDI Volume, and MIDI Pan settings are transmitted to the external device whenever those parameters are changed.
However, the setting is not transmitted when the corresponding transmit switch is set to Off. Note that this parameter is common to all Performances and cannot be set independently for individual Performances.
This parameter is available only when Part Mode is set to External. Settings: Off, On

Bank Select (Transmit Bank Select)

The transmit switch for sending MIDI Bank MSB and MIDI Bank LSB to the external device.
This parameter is available only when Part Mode is set to External. Settings: Off, On


Selects the bank for transmitting the Performance selection. You can specify the MSB and LSB messages.
This parameter is not available when the Transmit Bank Select is set to Off, and is available only when Part Mode is set to External. Settings: MSB and LSB: 000–127

Pgm Change (Transmit Program Change)

This is the transmit switch for sending Program Change messages to the external device.
This parameter is available only when Part Mode is set to External. Settings: Off, On

MIDI Pgm Num (MIDI Program Number)

Selects the Program Change number for transmitting the Performance selection.
This parameter is not available when the Transmit Program Change is set to Off, and is available only when Part Mode is set to External. Settings: 001–128

Vol/Exp (Transmit Volume/Expression)

This is the transmit switch for sending the volume setting to the external device.
This parameter is available only when Part Mode is set to External. Settings: Off, On

MIDI Volume

Sets the volume for transmitting the Performance selection.
This parameter is available only when Part Mode is set to External. Settings: 0–127

Pan (Transmit Pan)

This is the transmit switch for sending the pan setting to the external device.
This parameter is available only when Part Mode is set to External. Settings: Off, On


Sets the pan for transmitting the Performance selection.
This parameter is not available when the Transmit Pan is set to Off. Settings: L64–C–R63

Edit Tx/Rx Switch

Opens the Tx/Rx Switch screen.

Sets the maximum number of Elements to use.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → General/PitchElement Settings
Ex Elem Sw (Extended Element Switch)

Enables the extension of Element capacity.
When set to Off, only up to eight elements are available. Settings: Off, On

Element Count

Sets the maximum number of elements to use.Settings: 8–128


Even when Element Sw is set to Off, the number set in Element Count is saved.

On the Pitch screen, you can set the pitch for the Part.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → General/PitchPitch
Master Sw (Portamento Master Switch)

Portamento is a function for creating a smooth transition between two notes.
By setting this parameter to On, you can apply Portamento to Parts having the Portamento Part Switch set to On.
This switch is linked to the [PORTAMENTO] button on the top panel. Settings: Off, On

Note Shift

Adjusts the pitch in semitones. Settings: −24–+0–+24


Adjusts the pitch of the Part in 0.1 Hz increments.
By slightly shifting the pitch, you can detune the sound. Settings: −12.8Hz–+0.0Hz–+12.7Hz

Pitch Control Group

Parts assigned to the same group are given the same pitch.


Sets the tone generation mode of the current Part. Mono is for playing single notes, and Poly is for playing multiple simultaneous notes.
When using the Mono setting for playing the keyboard in Legato, you can create a smooth transition of sounds from one note to another. Settings: Mono, Poly

Pitch Bend↓ (Pitch Bend Range Lower)
Pitch Bend↑ (Pitch Bend Range Upper)

Sets the range of the changes created with the pitch bend wheel in semitones.
Settings: −48–+0–+24

Edit Control Assign

Opens the Control Assign screen with the DisplayFilter set to PitchBend.

Portamento (Portamento Part Switch)

Sets Portamento on or off for the Part. Settings: Off, On

Mode (Portamento Mode)

Sets the way Portamento is applied according to your keyboard performance. Settings: Fingered, Full-time
Fingered: Portamento is applied only when you play legato (playing the next note before releasing the previous one).
Full-time: Portamento is applied at all times.

Time (Portamento Time)

Sets the time length (or speed) for the pitch transition of Portamento. Settings: 0–127

Time Mode (Portamento Time Mode)

Sets how the pitch changes over time. Settings: Rate 1, Time 1, Rate 2, Time 2
Rate 1: Pitch changes at a specific rate.
Time 1: Pitch changes at a specific time.
Rate 2: Pitch changes at a specific rate within an octave.
Time 2: Pitch changes at a specific time within an octave.

Legato Slope (Portamento Legato Slope)

Sets the attack of the legato notes when Mono/Poly is set to Mono.

When set to Mono, the attack of the note may sound unnatural depending on the attack speed of the waveform assigned to the Part. If this is the case, use this parameter to adjust the attack.
In most cases, it is recommended to set this parameter to a smaller value for waveforms having a short attack, and a larger value for waveforms having a long attack. Settings: 0–7

Micro Tuning Name

Sets the micro tuning (temperament) for the Part. Settings: Equal Temperament, Pure Major, Pure Minor, Werckmeister, Kirnberger, Vallotti & Young, 1/4 shift, 1/4 tone, 1/8 tone, Indian, Arabic 1, Arabic 2, Arabic 3, User 1–8 (when a User bank is selected), Library 1-1–16-8 (when a library file is loaded)

Equal TemperamentEach octave is divided into 12 intervals of equal size.
This is the most commonly used tuning in music today.
Pure Major
Pure Minor
These tunings preserve the pure mathematical intervals of each scale, especially for triad chords (root, third, fifth).
You can hear this best in actual vocal harmonies, such as choirs and a cappella singing.
Vallotti & Young
Each of the scales combines the mean-tone and Pythagorean scales.
The main feature of these scales is that each key has its unique character.
These scales were used extensively during the time of Bach and Beethoven, and even now they are often used when performing period music on the harpsichord.
1/4 shiftThe equal-tempered scale shifted up 50 cents.
You can create tension in your music by mixing this setting with Equal Temperament.
1/4 toneTwenty-four equally spaced notes per octave.
Playing twenty-four consecutive keys on the keyboard makes up an octave.
1/8 toneForty-eight equally spaced notes per octave.
Playing forty-eight consecutive keys on the keyboard makes up an octave.
IndianUsually observed in Indian music.
Play white keys only.
ArabicUsually observed in Arabic music.
Root (Micro Tuning Root)

Sets the root note for the micro tuning.
This parameter is shown only when micro tuning that requires a root note is selected. Settings: C–B

Edit User Tuning

Opens the setting screen for User Micro Tuning.

On the Filter EG screen, you can set the Filter Envelope Generator (FEG) for the Part.
The FEG lets you set the degree (or level) of changes to the cutoff frequency and how those changes evolve over time, starting from the moment you press a key on the keyboard to the moment the sound decays.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Filter/AmpFilter EG
FEG Atk (FEG Attack Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the sound to change from the moment you press a key to when the Cutoff Frequency reaches the value set at Attack Level.
This is specified as an offset value to the Element FEG. Settings: −64–+63

FEG Decay (FEG Decay Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the Cutoff Frequency to change from the attack level. You can control the crispness or the decay speed of the sound.
This is specified as an offset value to the Element FEG. Settings: −64–+63

FEG Sus (FEG Sustain Level)

Sets the Cutoff Frequency level that follows the end of the decay segment (or the level that is maintained while the key is held down).
This is specified as an offset value to the Element FEG. Settings: −64–+63

FEG Rel (FEG Release Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the Cutoff Frequency to fall to the Release level when you lift your finger from the key.
This is specified as an offset value to the Element FEG. Settings: −64–+63

Cutoff (Filter Cutoff Frequency)

Changes the sound by setting the cutoff frequency of the filter. When the Low Pass Filter is selected, you can make the sound brighter by setting this to a larger value, and darker by setting it to a smaller value.
This is specified as an offset value to the cutoff frequency for the Element. Settings: −64–+63

Resonance (Filter Resonance)

Adds special characteristics to the sound by adjusting the signal level near the cutoff frequency.
This is specified as an offset value to the filter resonance or filter width for the Element. Settings: −64–+63

FEG Depth

Sets the depth range of the cutoff frequency controlled by the FEG for the Element.
When it is set to 0, the settings in the Element will be used with no change. Settings: −64–+63

On the Amp EG screen, you can set the AEG (Amplitude Envelope Generator) for the Part. This lets you determine how the volume changes from the moment you press a key on the keyboard to when the sound decays.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Filter/AmpAmp EG
AEG Attack (AEG Attack Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the volume to change from the moment you press a key on the keyboard to when it reaches the maximum.
This is specified as an offset value to the Element AEG. Settings: −64–+63

AEG Decay (AEG Decay Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the volume to change after it has reached the maximum.
This is specified as an offset value to the Element AEG. Settings: −64–+63

AEG Sustain (AEG Sustain Level)

Sets the volume that is maintained after the decay time. Settings: −64–+63

AEG Release (AEG Release Time)

Sets the length of time it takes after you have released the key to when the sound decays.
This is specified as an offset value to the Element AEG. Settings: −64–+63

On the Routing screen, you can set the effect routing for the Part.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → EffectRouting
(1)VCM Rotary Speaker Switch
Element (Element Select)

Shows the name of the selected Element.
When Ex Elem Sw (General/PitchElement Settings) is set to Off, or when there are less than eight elements, the numbers 1 to 8 are shown. Settings: 1–128 (up to the Element Count setting)

Connect (Element Connection Switch)

Sets the Element to be output to Insertion Effect A or Insertion Effect B.
Setting it to Thru bypasses the Insertion Effects. Settings: Thru, InsA, InsB

3-band EQ

Opens the setting screen for the 3-band EQ.

2-band EQ

Opens the setting screen for the 2-band EQ.

Expression (Expression Type)

Sets the position in the signal flow when using the Expression pedal. Settings: Normal, Pre FX
Normal: Applied after the 2-band EQ
Pre FX: Applied before the Insertion Effects. This setting is effective when used with non-linear effects such as Distortion. Example of using it with Distortion: When set to Normal, the output of Distortion changes. While the distortion level stays the same and only the volume will change. When set to Pre FX, the input of Distortion changes, so both the distortion level and the volume will change.

Exp. Curve (Expression Curve)

Sets the way the expression effect is applied when Expression Type is set to Pre FX.
Settings: Normal: Volume curve of normal characteristics
Organ: Volume curve of the characteristics simulating a vintage organ

VCM Rotary Speaker Switch

Sets the VCM Rotary Speaker effect, which simulates the characteristics of a rotary speaker by utilizing VCM technology.
This parameter is available only for Part 1. Settings: Off, On

Ins Connect (Insertion Connection Type)

Sets the effect routing for Insertion Effect A and Insertion Effect B. The diagram changes accordingly when the settings are changed. Settings: Parallel, Ins A→B, Ins B→A
Parallel: (for Normal Part (AWM2) and Drum Part): The output from Insertion Effect A and Insertion Effect B are individually sent to the Master Effect, Master EQ, Reverb, Variation, and Envelope Follower.

Ins A→B: The output from Insertion Effect A is sent to Insertion Effect B, and the output from Insertion Effect B is sent to the Master Effect, Master EQ, Reverb, Variation, and Envelope Follower.

Ins B→A: The output from Insertion Effect B is sent to Insertion Effect A, and the output from Insertion Effect A is sent to the Master Effect, Master EQ, Reverb, Variation, and Envelope Follower.

A (Insertion Effect A Switch)
B (Insertion Effect B Switch)

Turns Insertion Effect A and Insertion Effect B on or off. Settings: Off, On

Type (Insertion Effect Type)

Sets the Effect Type. Settings: See the Effect types.

Preset (Insertion Effect Preset)

Selects one of the Preset effect parameters for each Effect Type.
By selecting a Preset, you can change the way effects are applied. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Side Chain (Insertion Side Chain Part)
Modulator (Insertion Modulator Part)

Sets the Side Chain Part (or the Modulator depending on the effect type) for the Insertion Effect A or Insertion Effect B.
This parameter is not available when the Part itself or Master is set to the Modulator. In that case, the parameter value will be shown in parenthesis as in “(Master).” Settings: Part 1–16, A/D, Master, Off

Dry Level

Sets the Dry Level of the selected Part.
This parameter is available only when Part Output is set to MainL&R. Settings: 0–127

Rev Send (Reverb Send)

Sets the level of the signals (or bypass signals) sent from Insertion Effect A or Insertion Effect B to the Reverb Effect. This parameter is available only when Part Output is set to MainL&R. Settings: 0–127

Var Send (Variation Send)

Sets the level of the signals (or bypass signals) sent from Insertion Effect A or Insertion Effect B to the Variation Effect. This parameter is available only when Part Output is set to MainL&R. Settings: 0–127

Part Output (Part Output Select)

Sets the output destination for the audio signals. Settings: MainL&R, AsgnL&R, USB1&2–USB29&30, AsgnL, AsgnR, USB1–30, Off
MainL&R: Outputs in stereo (two channels) to the OUTPUT [L/MONO] and OUTPUT [R] jacks.
AsgnL&R: Outputs in stereo (two channels) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [L] and [R] jacks.
USB1&2–USB29&30: Outputs in stereo (channels 1 and 2, to channels 29 and 30) to the [USB TO HOST] terminal.
AsgnL: Outputs in mono (one channel) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [L] jack.
AsgnR: Outputs in mono (one channel) to the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT [R] jack.
USB1–30: Outputs in mono (channels 1 to 30) to the [USB TO HOST] terminal.
Off: No output of the audio signal for the Part.

Envelope Follower

Opens the settings screen for the Envelope Follower.

On the Ins A and Ins B screens, you can set the Insertion Effects.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → EffectIns A
  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → EffectIns B

The same as Audio InIns A or Ins B in Common Edit.

On the 3-band EQ screen, you can set the Part EQ. The 3-band EQ can be applied before the Insertion Effect.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Effect3-band EQ

Shown below is the setting screen for 3-band EQ.

EQ Low Freq (3band EQ Low Frequency)

Sets the frequency of the Low band. Settings: 50.1Hz–2.00kHz

EQ Low Gain (3band EQ Low Gain)

Sets the signal level of the Low band. Settings: −12.00dB–+12.00dB

EQ Mid Freq (3band EQ Mid Frequency)

Sets the frequency of the Mid band. Settings: 139.7Hz–10.1kHz

EQ Mid Gain (3band EQ Mid Gain)

Sets the signal level of the Mid band. Settings: −12.00dB–+12.00dB

EQ Mid Q (3band EQ Mid Q)

Sets the bandwidth of the Mid band. Settings: 0.7–10.3

EQ Hi Freq (3band EQ High Frequency)

Sets the frequency of the High band. Settings: 503.8Hz–14.0kHz

EQ Hi Gain (3band EQ High Gain)

Sets the signal level of the High band. Settings: −12.00dB–+12.00dB

On the 2-band EQ screen, you can set the Part EQ.
The 2-band EQ can be applied after the Insertion Effect.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Effect2-band EQ

Shown below is the setting screen for 2-band EQ.

EQ1 Type (2band EQ 1 Type)
EQ2 Type (2band EQ 2 Type)

Selects the desired EQ type. Settings: Thru, LPF, HPF, Low Shelf, Hi Shelf, Peak/Dip
Thru: Passes the signals with no effects being applied.
LPF: Cuts the signals above the cutoff frequency.
HPF: Cuts the signals below the cutoff frequency.
Low Shelf: Cuts or boosts the signals below the specified frequency setting.
Hi Shelf: Cuts or boosts the signals above the specified frequency setting.
Peak/Dip: Cuts or boosts the signals at the specified frequency setting.

EQ 1 Freq (2band EQ 1 Frequency)
EQ 2 Freq (2band EQ 2 Frequency)

Sets the frequency to be cut or boosted.
This parameter is not available when the EQ Type is set to Thru. Settings: 63.0Hz–18.0Hz

EQ 1 Gain (2band EQ 1 Gain)
EQ 2 Gain (2band EQ 2 Gain)

Sets the signal level of the frequency band set in EQ1 Freq or EQ2 Freq.
This parameter is not available when the EQ Type is set to Thru, LPF, or HPF. Settings: −12.0dB–+12.0dB

EQ 1 Q (2band EQ 1 Q)
EQ 2 Q (2band EQ 2 Q)

Sets the bandwidth for cutting or boosting the volume of the frequencies set with EQ1 Freq or EQ2 Freq.
This parameter is available only when the EQ Type is set to Peak/Dip. Settings: 0.1–12.0

Output Level (2band EQ Output Level)

Sets the output gain of the 2-band EQ. Settings: −12.0dB–+12.0dB

On the Common screen, you can set the Arpeggio for the entire Part.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → ArpeggioCommon
Arp Part (Part Arpeggio Switch)

Sets the Arpeggio for the Part on or off. Settings: Off, On

Arp Master (Arpeggio Master Switch)

Sets the Arpeggio for the Performance on or off. Settings: Off, On

Sync Quantize (Arpeggio Sync Quantize Value)

Adjusts the timing for starting the next Arpeggio phrase when playing back Arpeggio phrases in multiple Parts.
When set to Off, Arpeggio playback starts when the Part is played on the keyboard.
The value shown here is in clocks. Settings: Off, 60 (thirty-second note), 80 (sixteenth note triplet), 120 (sixteenth note), 160 (eighth note triplet), 240 (eighth note), 320 (quarter note triplet), 480 (quarter note)

Arpeggio Group

Sets the Arpeggio Group for using the same Arpeggio on multiple Parts.
The Parts set in the same Group will have the same Arpeggio settings.


This Indicator is set to On for the Part that is in the same Group as the selected Part.

Hold (Arpeggio Hold)

Enables or disables the Hold function which continues to repeatedly play back the Arpeggio even after you release the key on the keyboard. Settings: Sync-Off, Off, On
Sync-Off: Repeats Arpeggio playback in the background while your fingers release the keys and resumes playback when you press any key on the keyboard.
Off: Plays back the Arpeggio only while any key is being held.
On: Repeats Arpeggio playback even after you release the key on the keyboard.

Change Timing (Arpeggio Change Timing)

Sets the timing for changing the Arpeggio type while another Arpeggio phrase is still being played back. You can select Real-time for switching to a new Arpeggio phrase immediately or Measure for switching to a new Arpeggio phrase at the top of the next measure. Settings: Real-time, Measure

Key Mode (Arpeggio Key Mode)

Sets the way Arpeggio is played back. Settings: Sort, Thru, Direct, Sort+Drct, Thru+Drct
Sort: Plays back the same Arpeggio regardless of the order of keys played.
Thru: Plays back the Arpeggio differently depending on the order of keys played.
Direct: Does not play back the Arpeggio. Only your keyboard performance will be played. However, this setting allows you to create sound changes through Control Change messages such as pan and brightness, depending on the Arpeggio. As such, it is useful for Arpeggio types that use Control Change or for Arpeggio types included in the Control category.
Sort+Drct: Plays back the Arpeggio according to the Sort setting, as well as the notes played on the keyboard.
Thru+Drct: Plays back the Arpeggio according to the Thru setting, as well as the notes played on the keyboard.

Loop (Arpeggio Loop)

Selects loop (repeat) playback while holding the key on the keyboard, or one-shot playback for the Arpeggio every time you press a key. Settings: Off, On

Arp Play Only (Arpeggio Play Only)

Sets the Part to play only with the Arpeggio.
Parts set to On will be played by the Note On messages sent for the Arpeggio. Settings: Off, On


Changes the timing of even-numbered beats (backbeats) counted from the value specified in Quantize Value to add a swing feel to the Arpeggio playback.

  • +1 and higher: Moved behind the beat.
  • -1 and lower: Moved ahead of the beat.
  • 0: Does not change the even-numbered beats or add any swing feel.
    This setting is useful for creating desired rhythms for playing in swing, shuffle, and bounce feels.

Settings: −120–+120

Unit (Arpeggio Unit Multiply)

Sets the percentage for stretching or compressing the Arpeggio playback time.
The subdivision of the beat and the tempo will change when you stretch or compress the playback time, so you can create a completely new feel for the originally selected Arpeggio. Settings: 50%, 66%, 75%, 100%, 133%, 150%, 200%, 266%, 300%, 400%, Common
200%: The playback time is doubled, and the tempo is halved as a result.
100%: The playback time is kept unchanged.
50%: The playback time is halved, and the tempo is doubled as a result.
Common: The value set in the Unit Multiply common to all Parts is applied.

Quantize Value (Arpeggio Quantize Value)

Sets the reference note for using quantize and swing.
The value shown here is in clocks. Settings: Off, 60 (thirty-second note), 80 (sixteenth note triplet), 120 (sixteenth note), 160 (eighth note triplet), 240 (eighth note), 320 (quarter note triplet), 480 (quarter note)

Qntz Strength (Arpeggio Quantize Strength)

Sets the strength of the quantize setting (or how close the notes are to the reference note set in Quantize Value). A setting of 100% shifts the timing completely to that set in Quantize Value, while a setting of 0% results in no quantization. Settings: 0%–100%

Gate Time (Arpeggio Gate Time Rate)

Sets the rate for the Gate Time (or time length for playing the notes) of Arpeggio playback. If the Gate Time is set to the value 0 as a result, the setting will be changed to the value 1. Settings: 0%–200%

Velocity Rate (Arpeggio Velocity Rate)

Sets the velocity rate of Arpeggio playback. If the Velocity is set to the value 0 as a result, the setting will be changed to a value of 1. When it is set to a value larger than 128, the setting will be changed to a value of 127. Settings: 0%–200%

Arp Vel Limit (Arpeggio Velocity Limit)

Sets the velocity range (lowest and highest values) for Arpeggio playback.
When this is set so that the higher value is first and the lower value is second (for example, 93 to 34), the Arpeggio is played only for velocities of 1 to 34 and 93 to 127. Settings: 1–127

Arp Note Limit (Arpeggio Note Limit)

Sets the note range (the lowest and the highest notes) for Arpeggio playback.
When the first note specified is higher than the second (for example, C5 to C4), the notes in the ranges C−2 to C4 and C5 to G8 will be played. Settings: C−2–G8

Octave Shift (Arpeggio Output Octave Shift)

Shifts the pitch of the Arpeggio in octaves. Settings: −10–+0–+10

Octave Range (Arpeggio Octave Range)

Shifts the range of the Arpeggio in octaves. Settings: −3–+0–+3

Arp Select (Arpeggio Select)

Selects the Arpeggio. Settings: 1–8

On the Individual screen, you can set the Arpeggio type parameters for Arpeggio Select 1 to 8. Tapping the Arpeggio Type setting calls up the menu. Selecting Search opens the Arpeggio Category Search screen. Selecting Number allows you to specify the Arpeggio Type by number.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → ArpeggioIndividual
  • (When a selected Part is something other than Common) [SHIFT] + [ARP ON/OFF]
Arp Part (Part Arpeggio Switch)
Arp Master (Arpeggio Master Switch)
Sync Quantize (Arpeggio Sync Quantize Value)
Arp Group

The same as the Common screen.

Arp (Arpeggio Select)

Selects the Arpeggio. Settings: 1–8

Category (Arpeggio Category)

Shows the Category of the selected Arpeggio. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Sub (Arpeggio Sub Category)

Shows the Sub category of the selected Arpeggio. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Name (Arpeggio Name)

Shows the name of the selected Arpeggio. Settings: Refer to the Data List.

Velocity (Arpeggio Velocity Rate)

Sets the velocity rate of the Arpeggio playback.
If the Velocity is set to the value of 0 as a result, the setting will be changed to a value of 1. When it is set to a value larger than 128, the setting will be changed to a value of 127. Settings: −100%–+100%

Gate Time (Arpeggio Gate Time Rate)

Sets the Gate Time (or time length for playing the notes) for Arpeggio playback.
If the Gate Time is set to a value of 0 as a result, the setting will be changed to a value of 1. Settings: −100%–+100%

On the Advanced screen, you can set the Arpeggio parameters.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → ArpeggioAdvanced
Arp Part (Part Arpeggio Switch)
Arp Master (Arpeggio Master Switch)
Sync Quantize (Arpeggio Sync Quantize Value)
Arp Group

The same as the Common screen.

Accent Vel Threshold (Arpeggio Accent Velocity Threshold)

Sets the velocity level for triggering an Accent Phrase.
Accent Phrases are sequence phrases that have been programmed to certain types of Arpeggio patterns to be played back only when the keys are played at a fast velocity. Accent Phrases are triggered when the velocity is faster than Accent Vel Threshold (Arpeggio Accent Velocity Threshold).
If the Accent Phrase is not triggered properly, try lowering the Accent Vel Threshold (Arpeggio Accent Velocity Threshold) value.


For more information on the Arpeggio types that support this function, refer to the Data List. Settings: Off, 1–127

Accent Start Quantize (Arpeggio Accent Start Quantize)

Sets the Accent Phrase to be triggered when a key is pressed at the velocity value larger than the Accent Vel Threshold (Arpeggio Accent Velocity Threshold) (set to On) or triggered at the timing set in the selected Arpeggio type (set to Off). Settings: Off, On

Random SFX (Arpeggio Random SFX)

Enables the Random SFX function.
The Random SFX function triggers special sounds included in some Arpeggio types. There are various types of special sounds you can use. For example, you can use this function to add guitar fret noises when you release your finger from the key. Settings: Off, On


For more information on the Arpeggio types that support this function, refer to the Data List.

Random SFX Velocity Offset (Arpeggio Random SFX Velocity Offset)

Sets the velocity value for triggering special sounds for the Random SFX function. Settings: −64–+0–+63

Random SFX Key On Ctrl (Arpeggio Random SFX Key On Control)

Sets special sounds to be triggered by the velocity level for pressing keys or by the velocity level automatically set. Settings: Off, On

Velocity Mode (Arpeggio Velocity Mode)

Sets the velocity for playing back the Arpeggio. Settings: Original, Thru
Original: Follows the velocity level set in the Arpeggio Type.
Thru: Follows the velocity level of the keystroke.

Trigger Mode (Arpeggio Trigger Mode)

Sets the Trigger Mode to the Gate setting that starts and stops the Arpeggio playback by pressing a key, or to the Toggle setting that alternates start and stop by pressing a key. Settings: Gate, Toggle

Arp Select (Arpeggio Select)

Changes the Arpeggio selection. Settings: 1–8

On the Common screen, you can set the Motion Sequencer parameters for the entire Part.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Motion SeqCommon
  • (When a selected Part is something other than Common) [SHIFT] + [MSEQ ON/OFF]
Common Swing (Common Swing Offset)

Sets the swing value of the Arpeggio and Motion Sequencer for the Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to the Part Swing. Settings: −120–+120

Common Unit (Common Unit Multiply)

Sets the percentage for stretching or compressing the Arpeggio and Motion Sequencer playback time for the entire Performance.
This parameter is effective on the Lane for which Unit Multiply is set to Common.
The subdivision of the beat and the tempo will change when you stretch or compress playback time, so you can create a completely new feel for the Motion Sequence you have originally selected. Settings: 50%–400%
200%: The playback time is doubled, and the tempo is halved as a result.
100%: The playback time is kept unchanged.
50%: The playback time is halved, and the tempo is doubled as a result.

Common Amplitude (Common Motion Sequencer Amplitude Performance Offset)

Sets the Motion Sequencer Amplitude for the entire Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to the Motion Sequencer Amplitude for the Part.
Amplitude here is the degree of changes to the Motion Sequence.
This parameter value offsets the Amplitude of the Lanes within the Performance if MS FX is set to On for the lane. Settings: −127–+127

Common Shape (Common Motion Sequencer Pulse Shape Performance Offset)

Sets the Motion Sequencer Pulse Shape for the Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to the Motion Sequencer Pulse Shape for the Part.
This parameter changes the shape of the step curve that makes up the sequence.
This parameter value offsets the parameters for the Lanes within the Performance if the MS FX is set to On for the lane and Control is set to On. Settings: −100–+100

Common Smooth (Common Motion Sequencer Smoothness Performance Offset)

Sets the Motion Sequencer Smoothness for the Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to the Motion Sequencer Smoothness for the Part.
Smoothness here is the smoothness of the changes in the sequence over time.
This parameter value offsets the Smoothness of the Lanes within the Performance if the MS FX is set to On for the lane. Settings: −127–+127

Common Random (Common Motion Sequencer Randomness Performance Offset)

Sets the Motion Sequencer Randomness for the Performance.
This is specified as an offset value to the Motion Sequencer Randomness for the Part.
This parameter indicates the randomness of changes in the step value of the sequence.
This parameter value offsets the Randomness of the Lanes within the Performance if the MS FX is set to On for the lane. Settings: −127–+127

Part Swing (Part Swing)

Changes the timing of the even-numbered beats (backbeats) counted from the value specified in MS Grid to add a swing feel to the Motion Sequencer playback.

  • +1 and higher: Moved behind the beat.
  • -1 and lower: Moved ahead of the beat.
  • 0: Does not change the even-numbered beats or add any swing feel.
    This setting is useful for creating desired rhythms for playing swing, shuffle, and bounce feels.

Settings: −120–+120

Part Unit (Arpeggio Unit Multiply)

Sets the percentage for stretching or compressing the Arpeggio playback time for the Part.
The parameter setting is effective when the Unit Multiply of each Lane is set to Arp. Settings: 50%–400%, Common
200%: The playback time is doubled, and the tempo is halved as a result.
100%: The playback time is kept unchanged.
50%: The playback time is halved, and the tempo is doubled as a result.
Common: The value set in the Unit Multiply common to all Parts is applied.

Part Amplitude (Part Motion Sequencer Amplitude)

Sets the Motion Sequencer Amplitude for the Part.
This is specified as an offset value to the Motion Sequencer Amplitude for each Lane.
This parameter value offsets the Amplitude of the Lanes within the Part if the MS FX is set to On for the lane. Settings: −127–+127

Part Shape (Part Motion Sequencer Pulse Shape)

Sets the Motion Sequencer Pulse Shape for the Part.
This is specified as an offset value to the Motion Sequencer Step Curve parameter for each Lane.
This parameter value offsets the parameters for the Lanes within the Part if the MS FX is set to On for the lane and Control is set to On. Settings: −100–+100

Part Motion Seq Smooth (Part Motion Sequencer Smoothness)

Sets the Motion Sequencer Smoothness for the Part.
This is specified as an offset value to the Motion Sequencer Smoothness for each Lane.
This parameter value offsets the Smoothness of the Lanes within the Part if MS FX is set to On for the Lane. Settings: −127–+127

Part Motion Seq Random (Part Motion Sequencer Randomness)

Sets the Motion Sequencer Randomness for the Part.
Sets randomness of the changes in the Step value of the sequence. Settings: 0–127

Motion Seq View Lane

Sets the Motion Seq Lane to show when the View Mode of the Home screen is set to Motion Seq.

MS Select (Motion Sequence Select)

Selects the Motion Sequence to playback. Settings: 1–8

On the Lane screen, you can set the parameters for each Motion Sequencer Lane.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Motion SeqLane
Motion Seq Master Sw (Motion Sequencer Master Switch)

Sets the Motion Sequencer for the entire Performance on or off. Settings: Off, On

Motion Seq Part Sw (Motion Sequencer Part Switch)

Sets the Motion Sequencer of the Part on or off. Settings: Off, On

Lane Select

Selects a Lane. Settings: 1–4

Target Sequence

Indicates the Lane and the Sequence.

Edit Sequence

Opens the Motion Sequence screen.
You can create a sequence of up to 16 steps.

Motion Seq Step Value

Sets the value for each step in the Motion Sequence.
You can use Control sliders 1 to 8 to change the values for Steps 1 to 8 and Steps 9 to 16, depending on the cursor position. Settings: 0–127

LaneSw (Lane Switch)

Sets each Lane on or off.
You can use up to four Motion Sequencer lanes in one Part, or up to eight lanes in an entire Performance. When set to Off, the parameters for that lane will not be shown. Settings: Off, On

MS FX (Lane FX Receive)

Sets the selected Lane to receive the signals from the knobs for changing the Motion Sequencer parameters such as Swing and Smooth. Settings: Off, On

Trigger (Lane Trigger Receive)

Sets the selected Lane to receive the signals from the [MSEQ TRIGGER] button.
When set to On, the Motion Sequence will not be played back unless you press the [MSEQ TRIGGER] button. Settings: Off, On

Sequence Select (Motion Sequence Select)

Changes the Motion Sequence selection. Settings: 1–8

Sync/Speed tab
Sync (Lane Sync)

Sets the speed and the timing of the playback of the Motion Sequence set for the Destination in the Control Assign screen. Settings: Off, Tempo, Beat, Arp, Lane1 (when Lanes 2–4 are selected)
Off: Plays back the Lane Motion Sequencer alone.
Tempo: Plays back the Lane Motion Sequencer at the Performance tempo.
Beat: Plays back in sync with the beat.
Arp: Plays back the Lane Motion Sequencer in sync with the top of the Arpeggio playback.
Lane1: Plays back the Lane Motion Sequencer in sync with Lane 1.

When Sync is set to Off
Speed (Lane Speed)

Sets the playback speed for the Motion Sequence.
This parameter is available when Lane Motion Sequencer is set to Off. Settings: 0–127

Delay Time (Lane Key On Delay Time Length)

Sets the delay time for starting the playback of the Motion Sequence when Sync is set to Off. Settings: 0–127

Fade In Time (Lane Fade In Time Length)

Sets the time to reach the maximum amplitude for the Motion Sequence when Sync is set to Off. Settings: 0–127

When Sync is set to something other than Off
Unit Multiply (Lane Unit Multiply)

Sets the percentage for stretching or compressing the Motion Sequencer playback time for the current Lane.
This parameter is available when Lane Motion Sequencer is set to Off or something other than Lane 1. Settings: 50%–6400%, Common, Arp
200%: The playback time is doubled, and the tempo is halved as a result.
100%: The playback time is kept unchanged.
50%: The time length is halved, and the tempo is doubled as a result.
Common: The value set in the Unit Multiply common to all Parts is applied.
Arp: The value set in the Unit Multiply of the Part Arpeggio is applied.

Lane Key On Delay (Lane Key On Delay Time Length)

Sets the delay time for starting the playback of the Motion Sequence when Sync is set to something other than Off or Lane1. Settings: 0–32

Lane Fade In (Lane Fade In Time Length)

Sets the time to reach the maximum amplitude for the Motion Sequence when Sync is set to something other than Off. Settings: 0–32

Lane Vel Limit (Lane Velocity Limit)

Sets the velocity range (lowest and highest values) for playing back the Motion Sequence of the selected Lane.
This parameter is available when Lane Motion Sequencer is set to something other than Lane 1.
When the Velocity Limit is set to a range from the highest value to the lowest value, the Motion Sequence will be played back in two velocity ranges: from the maximum to the highest value, and from the lowest value to the minimum. Settings: 1–127

Loop/Length tab
Key On Reset (Lane Key On Reset)

Resets the Motion Sequence playback when you press any key on the keyboard.
This parameter is available when Lane Motion Sequencer is set to Arp or something other than Lane 1.
This parameter is not available when Trigger is set to On. Settings: Off, Each-On, 1st-On
Each-On: Each time you play any note, the sequence will be reset and the playback starts from the beginning.
1st-On: Playback starts from the beginning at the first note you play. If the first note is held while a second note is played, the sequence is not reset at the second or any subsequent notes.

Loop (Lane Loop)

Sets the Motion Sequence to loop (repeat) playback or one-shot playback.
This parameter is available when Lane Motion Sequencer is set to something other than Lane 1. Settings: Off, On

Loop Start

Sets the step for starting playback the second time or later when repeating Motion Sequence playback. Settings: 1–Length (Loop Length)

Length (Motion Sequence Length)

Sets the number of steps in the Motion Sequence. Settings: Loop Start (Lane Loop Start) –16

MS Grid (Motion Sequencer Grid)

Sets the length of a step in the Motion Sequence. Settings: 60, 80, 120, 160, 240, 320, 480

The Control Assign screen lets you set the Controllers for the Part.
By assigning a parameter (Destination) to a controller (Source), you can control the sound in a large variety of ways. You can use physical controllers such as the Pitch Bend wheel and knobs as well as the Motion Sequencer and Envelope Follower.
Up to 32 controllers can be assigned simultaneously to a Part.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Mod/ControlControl Assign

When Display Filter is set to Super Knob, tapping [+] shows the message in the upper area of the display and automatically adds the Control Assign settings for the Common Edit.


When there are no assignable knobs available, [+] will not be shown.

Auto Select

Sets the auto select of the Display Filter on or off.
When set to On, moving the controller you wish to set to Source automatically sets the controller to the Display Filter. Settings: Off, On

Display Filter

Selects the controller for showing the settings on the screen.
When you select Super Knob, all settings having the Super Knob Link set to On will be shown. Settings: PitchBend, ModWheel, AfterTouch, FootCtrl 1, FootCtrl 2, FootSwitch, Ribbon, Breath, AsgnKnob 1–8, Super Knob, AsgnSw 1, AsgnSw 2, MS Lane 1–4, EnvFollow 1–16, EnvFollowAD, EnvFollowMst, All


If the controller set to Display Filter is used by other Parts, the corresponding PART buttons will flash.

Edit Pitch Bend

This calls up the Pitch settings screen.
The screen shown here is the same as the one opened from [EDIT/] → General/PitchPitch.
This parameter is not available when Source is set to something other than PitchBend.

Display Name (Assignable Knob Name)

This allows you to enter a new name for Knobs 1 to 8 to show on the Sub display.
This parameter is not shown when Source is set to something other than AsgnKnob 1–8.

Edit Motion Sequencer

Opens the Motion Sequence screen.
You can create a sequence of up to 16 steps.
This parameter is not available when Source is set to something other than MS Lane 1–4.

Edit Envelope Follower

Opens the settings screen for the Envelope Follower.
This parameter is not available when Source is set to something other than EnvFollow 1–16, EnvFollowAD, or EnvFollowMst.


Selects the next page when there are more than four Destinations. The next page does not appear when the Destinations are four or fewer. Settings: 1–8


Sets the parameter to the Destination. Tapping the [+] icon allows you to add a new Destination.


Sets the controller for controlling the parameters set to the Destination. Settings: PitchBend, ModWheel, Ch. AT, FootCtrl 1, FootCtrl 2, FootSwitch, Ribbon, Breath, AsgnKnob 1–8, AsgnSw 1, AsgnSw 2, MS Lane 1–4, EnvFollow 1–16, EnvFollowAD, EnvFollowMst

Element Sw (Element Switch) 1–128

You can set the controller setting for each Element on or off.
This parameter is shown only when the selected Destination is related to Elements.
When the ExElemSw on the General/Pitch - ElementSettings screen is set to On, you can change the switch number by changing the Display Element.
The actual range of numbers you can use in the switch depends on the value set in ElementCount on the General/Pitch - ElementSettings screen. Settings: Off, On

Display Element

Shown only when ExElemSw on the General/Pitch - ElementSettings screen is set to On.
You can select a different group of eight elements corresponding to ElementSw. Settings: 1–8, 9–16, ..., 121–128 (up to the Element Count setting)

Curve Type

Sets the change curve of the parameter set to Destination.
The horizontal axis represents the controller value set in Source while the vertical axis represents the parameter value set in Destination. Settings: Standard, Sigmoid, Threshold, Bell, Dogleg, FM, AM, M, Discrete Saw, Smooth Saw, Triangle, Square, Trapezoid, Tilt Sine, Bounce, Resonance, Sequence, Hold, Harmonic, Steps, User 1–32 (when a User bank is selected), Library 1–16 (when a Library file is loaded)

Param 1 (Curve Parameter 1)
Param 2 (Curve Parameter 2)

Adjusts the curve shape.
This setting may not be available depending on the curve type.

Destination to Name

Copies the parameters set to Destination to Display Name.
This parameter is not shown when Source is set to something other than AsgnKnob 1–8.

Edit User Curve

Opens the setting screen for User Curve.
You can create either an 8-point linear curve or an 8-step curve.

Edit Common Control Assign

Opens the Control Assign screen for Common Edit.


Deletes the selected Destination.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Mod/ControlAfter Touch
Keyboard AT Mode (After Touch Mode)

Selects the mode for sending Aftertouch messages from the keyboard to the internal tone generator.
This parameter is set to Channel on the MONTAGE M6 and MONTAGE M7, regardless of the setting here.
Settings: Poly (polyphonic aftertouch), Channel (channel aftertouch)


Sets the parameter for the Destination. Tapping the [+] icon lets you add a new Destination.


Cannot be changed from this screen.
This parameter is fixed to Poly AT.

Element Sw (Element Switch) 1–128

You can set the controller setting for each Element on or off.
This parameter is shown only when the selected Destination is related to Elements.
When the ExElemSw on the General/Pitch - ElementSettings screen is set to On, you can change the switch number by changing the Display Element.
The actual range of numbers you can use in the switch depends on the value set in the ElementCount on the General/Pitch - ElementSettings screen. Settings: Off, On

Display Element

Shown only when ExElemSw on the General/Pitch - ElementSettings screen is set to On.
You can select a different group of eight elements corresponding to ElementSw. Settings: 1–8, 9–16, ..., 121–128 (up to the Element Count setting)

Curve Type

Sets the change curve of the parameter set to Destination.
The horizontal axis represents the controller value set in Source while the vertical axis represents the parameter value set in Destination.
Settings: Standard, Sigmoid, Threshold, Bell, Dogleg, FM, AM, M, Discrete Saw, Smooth Saw, Triangle, Square, Trapezoid, Tilt Sine, Bounce, Resonance, Sequence, Hold, Harmonic, Steps, User 1–32 (when a User bank is selected), Library 1–8 (when a Library file is loaded)

Polarity (Curve Polarity)

Sets the polarity of the curve set in Curve Type. Settings: Uni, Bi
Uni: Parameter changes occur only within the positive range or the negative range according to the curve shape.
Bi: Parameter changes occur both in positive and negative ranges according to the curve shape.

Ratio (Curve Ratio)

Sets the ratio of the parameter values. Settings: −64–+63

Edit User Curve

Opens the setting screen for User Curve.
You can create an 8-point linear curve or an 8-step curve.


Deletes the current Destination.

On the Tx/Rx Switch screen, you can set the switch for transmitting or receiving MIDI messages (such as Control Change) on or off.


When CC (Control Change) is set to Off, the parameters related to Control Change messages cannot be set.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Mod/ControlTx/Rx Switch
Transmit Sw (Transmit Switch)

Shows the transmit switch.
This parameter is available only when Part Mode is set to External or when Keyboard Sw is set to Off.

Receive Sw (Receive Switch)

This parameter is available only when Part Mode is set to Internal.

Keyboard Sw (Keyboard Control Switch)

Keyboard Control is used for selecting Parts to be played on the keyboard.
When Keyboard Control is set to On, you can simultaneously play Parts having Keyboard Control set to On, if the Part is set to Common or Keyboard Control for the Part is set to On.
When Keyboard Control is set to Off, you can play the Part on the keyboard only when that Part is selected. Settings: Off, On

Tx/Rx Channel (Transmit/Receive Channel)

Sets the channel for transmitting and receiving MIDI messages when Part Mode is set to Internal. Settings: Ch1–Ch16, Off

MIDI I/O Ch. (MIDI In-Out Channel)

Shows the channel for transmitting and receiving MIDI messages.

Transmit Ch.

Sets the channel for receiving MIDI messages when Part Mode is set to External.

Zone Settings

This calls up the Zone settings screen.
The screen shown here is the same as the one opened from [EDIT/] → General/PitchZone Settings.

PC (Program Change)

Sets the transmission and reception of Program Change messages on or off. Settings: Off, On

BankSelect (Bank Select)

Sets the transmission and reception of Bank Select MSB and LSB messages on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

Pitch Bend

Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI Pitch Bend messages on or off. Settings: Off, On

CAT (Channel After Touch)

Sets the transmission and reception of Channel Aftertouch on or off. Settings: Off, On

PAT (Polyphonic After Touch)

Sets the transmission and reception of Polyphonic Aftertouch on or off. Settings: Off, On

CC (Control Change)

Sets the transmission and reception of Control Change messages on or off. Settings: Off, On

Vol/Exp (Volume/Expression)

Sets the transmission and reception of the Volume setting on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On


Sets the transmission and reception of the Pan setting on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

MW (Modulation Wheel)

Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI Modulation wheel messages on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On


Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI Sustain and Sostenuto messages on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

FC1 (Foot Controller 1)
FC2 (Foot Controller 2)

Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI messages for the separately sold foot controllers on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

FS (Foot Switch)

Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI messages for the separately sold foot switch on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

A. Sw 1 (Assignable Function Switch 1)
A. Sw 2 (Assignable Function Switch 2)

Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI messages for the [ASSIGN 1] and [ASSIGN 2] buttons on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

MS Trigger (Motion Sequencer Trigger)

Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI messages for the [MSEQ TRIGGER] button on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

RB (Ribbon Controller)

Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI Ribbon Controller messages on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

BC (Breath Controller)

Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI Breath Controller messages on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

Porta Sw (Portamento Switch)

Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI messages for the [PORTAMENTO] button on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

Porta Time (Portamento Time)

Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI messages for the PORTAMENTO [TIME] knob on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

A. Knob 1–8 (Assignable Knob)

Sets the transmission and reception of MIDI messages for Knobs 1 to 8 on or off.
This parameter is not available when CC (Control Change) is set to Off. Settings: Off, On

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Mod/ControlControl Settings
Slider Direction

Sets the direction of the Control sliders 1 to 8 for this Part when the slider mode is set to ELEM/OP/OSC.
When set to Reverse, the volume controls on the screen will change to organ sliders. The organ sliders will be shown when you select a Part and set the View Mode to Part Info. Settings: Normal (up from the bottom), Reverse (down from the top)

The Part LFO screen lets you make settings for the Part LFO.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Mod/ControlPart LFO
LFO Wave

Selects the LFO Wave and sets the type of cyclical changes to the LFOs. Settings: Triangle, Triangle+, Saw Up, Saw Down, Squ1/4, Squ1/3, Square, Squ2/3, Squ3/4, Trapezoid, S/H1, S/H2, User

Edit User LFO

Opens the setting screen for the User LFO.
You can create an LFO waveform of up to 16 steps.

Tempo Sync (LFO Tempo Sync)

Sets the speed of the LFO Wave changes to synchronize to Arpeggio or Song playback. Settings: Off (not synchronized), On (synchronized)

When Tempo Sync is set to Off
Speed (LFO Speed)

Sets the speed of LFO Wave changes.
This parameter is not available when Tempo Sync is set to On. Settings: 0–63

Random Speed (Part LFO Random Speed Depth)

Changes the LFO Speed randomly.
This parameter is not available when Tempo Sync is set to On. Settings: 0–127

When Tempo Sync is set to On
Tempo Speed (LFO Tempo Speed)

This parameter is available when Tempo Sync is set to On. You can sync the speed of changes in LFO Wave by using musical note values. Settings: 1/16 (sixteenth notes), 1/8 Tri. (eighth-note triplets), 1/16 Dot. (dotted sixteenth notes), 1/8 (eighth notes), 1/4 Tri. (quarter-note triplets), 1/8 Dot. (dotted eighth notes), 1/4 (quarter notes), 1/2 Tri. (half-note triplets), 1/4 Dot. (dotted quarter notes), 1/2 (half notes), Whole Tri. (whole-note triplets), 1/2 Dot. (dotted half notes), 1/4 × 4 (quarter-note quadruplets; four quarter notes to the beat), 1/4 × 5 quarter-note quintuplets; five quarter notes to the beat), 1/4 × 6 (quarter-note sextuplets; six quarter notes to the beat), 1/4 × 7 (quarter-note septuplets; seven quarter notes to the beat), 1/4 × 8 (quarter-note octuplets; eight quarter notes to the beat), 1/4 × 16 (sixteen quarter-notes to the beat), 1/4 × 32 (32 quarter notes to the beat), 1/4 × 64 (64 quarter notes to the beat)

Delay (LFO Delay Time)

Sets the delay time between the moment you press a key on the keyboard and the moment the LFO comes into effect.
The larger the value, the longer the delay time, or the time that elapses before the LFO comes into effect. Settings: 0–127

Fade In (LFO Fade In Time)

Sets the amount of time for the LFO effect to fade in after the delay time set in Delay (LFO Delay Time) has elapsed. Settings: 0–127
The larger the value, the longer it takes for the LFO effect to reach the maximum.
0: LFO changes to the maximum value without any fade-in.

Low value: Fast fade-in

High value: Slow fade-in

Hold (LFO Hold Time)

Sets the time for maintaining the LFO effect after the maximum level had been reached. Settings: 0–126, Hold
Hold: Does not fade out

Fade Out (LFO Fade Out time)

Sets the amount of time for the LFO effect to fade out after the hold time set in Hold (LFO Hold Time) has elapsed.
The larger the value, the longer it takes for the LFO effect to fade out.Settings: 0–127

Low value: Fast fade-out

High value: Slow fade-out

Key On Reset (LFO Key On Reset)

Resets the oscillation of the LFO when a key is pressed. Settings: Off, Each-on, 1st-on


Does not reset the oscillation of the LFO. Pressing a key starts the LFO wave at whatever phase the LFO happens to be at that moment.


Resets the oscillation of the LFO every time a key is pressed and starts the waveform at the phase specified by the Phase parameter.


Resets the oscillation of the LFO every time a key is pressed and starts the waveform at the phase specified by the Phase parameter.

When a second note is played while the first note is held, playback will not be reset.

Loop (LFO Loop Switch)

Sets the LFO Wave to loop (repeat) playback or one-shot playback. Settings: Off, On

Phase (LFO Phase)

You can set the initial phase for the time LFO Wave is reset. Settings: 0°, 90°, 120°, 180°, 240°, 270°

Element Phase Offset (LFO Element Phrase Offset)

Sets the offset value to Phase for each Element.Settings: 0°, 90°, 120°, 180°, 240°, 270°

Display Element

Shown only when ExElemSw on the General/Pitch - ElementSettings screen is set to On.
You can select a different number for the group of four elements corresponding to the ElementPhaseOffset and ElementDepthRatio. Settings: 1–8, 9–16, ..., 121–128 (up to the Element Count setting)

Element Phase Offset (LFO Element Phase Offset)

This is specified as an offset value to the Phase (LFO Phase) for each Element.
You can set the initial phase for each Element when LFO Wave is reset.
When the ExElemSw on the General/Pitch - ElementSettings screen is set to On, you can change the element number by changing the Display Element.
The actual range of numbers you can use for Element Phase Offset depends on the value set in ElementCount on the General/Pitch - ElementSettings screen.

Destination (LFO Destination)

Sets the function to be controlled by the LFO Wave. Settings: Insertion Effect A Parameter 1–24, Insertion Effect B Parameter 1–24, Level, Pitch, Cutoff, Resonance, Pan, E.LFO Speed

Depth (LFO Depth)

Sets the depth of the LFO Wave control for each Destination. Settings: 0–127

Element Depth Ratio (LFO Element Depth Ratio)

Adjusts the Depth for each Element.
Set this parameter to Off to turn off the LFO.
This parameter is shown only when the selected Destination is related to Elements.
When the ExElemSw on the General/Pitch - ElementSettings screen is set to On, you can change the element number set to Depth by changing the Display Element.
The actual range of numbers you can use for the Depth depends on the value set in ElementCount on the General/Pitch - ElementSettings screen. Settings: Off, 0–127

Opens the setting screen for User LFO.
You can create an LFO waveform of up to 16 steps.


Sets the number of LFO steps. Settings: 2 steps, 3 steps, 4 steps, 6 steps, 8 steps, 12 steps, 16 steps


Sets the changes to the slope of the waveform currently shown on the screen. Settings: Off (no slope), Up, Down, Up&Down

User LFO Step Value

Sets the value for each step. Settings: −64–+63


Selects the template for the LFO waveform.