
Pressing the [DAW REMOTE] button enables the DAW remote function, allowing you to conveniently control your preferred DAW with the controllers on the instrument.

Mode (Remote Control Mode)

Select the DAW remote function from three modes of operation.
You can also switch modes by pressing [DAW Remote] + one of the Slot number and Category name selection buttons (such as [Piano], [Keyboard], and [Organ]). Settings: Track, Plugin, Transport
Track: Mode for controlling multiple tracks on the DAW at once. Knob and control slider operations are sent as Mackie Control compatible protocols from Port 2.
Plugin: Mode for controlling a specific plugin on the DAW. Knob and control slider operations are sent as messages in Control Change Numbers for remote functions from Port 1.
Transport: Mode for playing the keyboard while playing back the recorded data on the DAW, or recording your keyboard performance on the DAW. You can use the Sequencer transport buttons to start or stop the playback on the DAW. All controllers except the Sequencer transport buttons operate as they normally do.

Switching screens

Opens the settings screen for each controller and the remote function. Settings: Knob/Slider, Scene Sw, Display Knob, AS/Ribbon, Pedal, Settings

Local (Local Control)

Sets Local Control on or off.
This is the same setting that can be made from: [UTILITY] → SettingsMIDI I/O screen.

Use for Remote

Sets the Data dial and Cursor buttons on the Top panel for controlling the DAW.

  • On: For controlling the DAW
  • Off: For controlling the Main display on the top panel.
Track (Track Select)

Outputs the Track group selection (by eight tracks at a time).

Track mode
Controllers On the DAW
1Knobs 1–8Controls the pan of the track.
2Control sliders 1–8Controls the volume of the track.
3PART buttons, [PART SELECT] button, [KEYBOARD CONTROL] buttonSelects track(s), and switches mute and solo of the selected track(s) on or off.
4SCENE buttonsFunction
5Data dial, cursor buttonsMoves the cursor position or Song position.
6Sequencer transport buttonsControls the transport actions (recording and playback).
7BANK buttonsSelects a track group (eight tracks at a time).
8PAGE buttonsSelects a track group (one track at a time).
9[SONG/PATTERN] buttonTurns loop playback on or off.

Other controllers are set to send the Control Change messages set in remote mode.

Plugin mode
Controllers DAW operation
Knobs 1–8Any Control Change you have selected.
(The Control Change number set with Edit in the DAW Remote screen is output.)
Control sliders 1–8

* PART buttons, [PART SELECT] button, [KEYBOARD CONTROL] button, data dial, cursor buttons, sequencer transport buttons, BANK buttons, and PAGE buttons behave the same way as in Track mode.

Transport mode
Controllers On the DAW
Data dial, cursor buttonsMoves the cursor position or Song position.
Sequencer transport buttonControls the transport actions (recording and playback).
[SONG/PATTERN] buttonTurns loop playback on or off.

* Other controllers operate as normal.


Sets the Control Change message, such as the control number and channel mode, that is output from Port 1.
The settings on each tab are as follows:

Local (Local Control)

Sets Local Control on or off.
This is the same setting that can be made from: [UTILITY] → SettingsMIDI I/O screen.

Use for Remote

Sets the Data dial and Cursor buttons on the Top panel for controlling the DAW.

  • On: For controlling the DAW.
  • Off: For controlling the Main display on the top panel.
CC Num. (Control Change Number)

Sets the control number for the knobs and control sliders. Settings: 1–95

Scene SW
Scene1–8 (Scene 1–8 Control Number)

Sets the control number for the SCENE buttons. Settings: 1–95

Latch (Scene 1 Switch Mode)
Momentary (Scene 1 Switch Mode)

Switches the operating mode of the SCENE buttons. Settings: Momentary, Latch

Display Knob
Display Knob 1–8CC# (Display Knob 1–6 Control Number)

Sets the control number for the Display Knobs. Settings: 1–95

AS / Ribbon
Portamento Switch

Sets the control number for the [PORTAMENTO] button. Settings: 1–95

Portamento Switch Latch

Switches the operating mode of the [PORTAMENTO] button. Settings: Momentary, Latch

Porta Knob (Portamento Knob)

Sets the control number for the PORTAMENTO [TIME] knob. Settings: 1–95

Ribbon Ctrl (Ribbon Controller Control Number)

Sets the control number for the ribbon controller. Settings: 1–95

RB Mode

Switches the operating mode of the ribbon controller. Settings: Hold, Reset

Assign SW 1 (Assignable Switch 1 Control Number)
Assign SW 2 (Assignable Switch 2 Control Number)
MS Trigger (Motion Seq Trigger Switch Control Number)

Sets the control numbers for the [ASSIGN 1] button, [ASSIGN 2] button, and [MSEQ TRIGGER] button. Settings: 1–95

Assign SW 1 Latch (Assignable Switch 1 Mode)
Assign SW 2 Latch (Assignable Switch 2 Mode)
MS Trigger Latch (Motion Seq Trigger Switch Control Number)

Switches the operating mode of the [ASSIGN 1] button, [ASSIGN 2] button, and [MSEQ TRIGGER] button. Settings: Momentary, Latch

Foot Ctrl 1 (Foot Controller 1 Control Number)
Foot Ctrl 2 (Foot Controller 2 Control Number)

Sets the control number for Foot Controller 1 and Foot Controller 2. Settings: 1–95

FS (Foot Switch Control Number)

Shows the control number for the foot switch. Settings: 1–95

FS Mode (Foot Switch Mode)

Switches the operating mode of the foot switch. Settings: Momentary, Latch


Selects the particular DAW for use with this instrument. Settings: Cubase, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Live


Sets the MIDI channel for input and output of the Common and the Part with the Keyboard Control Switch to be set to On.
The MIDI channel set here is used also for sending the Control Change message from DAW Remote.
This is the same setting that can be made from: [UTILITY] → SettingsMIDI I/O screen. Settings: Ch1–Ch16