
The screen here is the same as the one opened from General/PitchPart Settings on the Part Edit (AWM2).

The screen here is the same as the one opened from General/PitchZone Settings on the Part Edit (AWM2).

On the AN-X Settings screen, you can set the parameters that are specific to the AN-X sound engine.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → General/PitchAN-X Settings

Creates thickness by layering multiple sounds. Settings: Off, 2, 4

Unison Detune

Sets how the pitch of the layered sound is to be shifted. Settings: 0–15

Unison Spread

Sets how the layered sounds are spread in the stereo field. Settings: 0–15

OSC Reset

Specifies how to reset the Oscillator. Settings: Off, Phase, Tune, Full
Off: Does not reset.
Phase: Resets the phase of OSC 1–3 at key-on.
Tune: Makes the pitch of OSC 1–3 uniform.
Full: Enables both Phase and Tune simultaneously.

Voltage Drift

Specifies the pitch of the Oscillator and variation of Filter Cutoff.
Oscillator pitch and variation of Filter Cutoff are affected by Ageing. Settings: 0–127
0: No variation
64: Standard
127: Maximum variation


Adjusts the frequency response as well as OSC Pitch, Filter Cutoff, and EG Time according to the virtual age of the instrument model. Settings: −100 (old)–+100 (new)

Correlation between Voltage Drift and Ageing
(1)Variations in Cutoff or Pitch

The screen here is the same as the one opened from General/PitchPitch on the Part Edit (AWM2), except that Legato Slope (Portamento Legato Slope) is invalid.

On the Pitch EG screen, you can set the Pitch Envelope Generator.
You can use it to set how the sound changes over time, starting from the moment you press a key on the keyboard to when the sound decays.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → General/PitchPitch EG
Attack (Pitch EG Attack Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the EG to reach the maximum. Settings: 0–255

Decay (Pitch EG Decay Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the EG to reach the Sustain value. Settings: 0–255

Sustain (Pitch EG Sustain Level)

Sets the sustain level. Settings: 0–511

Release (Pitch EG Release Time)

Sets the length of time it takes after you have released the key until the EG reaches the value 0. Settings: 0–255

Time/Vel (Pitch EG Time Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how the velocity changes the EG over time.
The larger the value, the faster the EG changes over time when the keys are played with fast velocity. Settings: −255–0–+255

PEG Depth - Osc 1–3 (Oscillator 1–3 Pitch EG Depth)

Sets the maximum amount of pitch change for the EG (in cents). Settings: −4800–+4800 cents
0: No pitch change
The further the depth is from the value 0, the wider the pitch change range becomes.
Negative value: Pitch change is inverted.

PEG Depth/Vel - Osc 1–3 (Oscillator 1–3 Pitch EG Depth Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how the depth range of the pitch change controlled by the PEG responds to Velocity or the strength of the keystroke.
Also, with the Curve setting, you can set how the PEG Depth responds to velocity. The vertical axis represents velocity while the horizontal axis represents the depth range of the pitch change. Settings: −255–+255
Positive value: Faster velocity values widen the depth range of the PEG, while slower values narrow the depth range.
Negative value: Faster velocity values narrow the depth range of the PEG, while slower values widen the depth range.
0: No PEG changes regardless of the velocity setting.

Fast velocity
(the depth range in pitch change is wider)

Slow velocity
(the depth range in pitch change is narrower)

On the Pitch LFO screen, you can set the Pitch LFO.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → General/PitchPitch LFO
LFO Wave (Pitch LFO Wave)

Selects the LFO Wave and sets the type of cyclical changes to the LFOs. Settings: Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, Random

Key On Reset (Pitch LFO Key On Reset)

Resets the phase of the LFO when a key is pressed. Settings: Off, On

Speed (Pitch LFO Speed)

Sets the speed of LFO wave changes. Settings: 0–415

Delay (Pitch LFO Decay Time)

Sets the delay time between the moment you press a key on the keyboard and the moment the LFO comes into effect. Settings: 0–127

Fade In (Pitch LFO Fade In Time)

Sets the time length for the LFO effect to fade in after you have released the key and the delay time set in Delay has elapsed. Settings: 0–214
The larger the value, the longer it takes for the LFO effect to reach the maximum.
0: The LFO changes to the maximum value without any fade-ins.

Small value: fast fade-in

Large value: slow fade-in

Phase (Pitch LFO Phase)

Sets the phase for resetting the wave when a key is pressed. Settings: 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180, 210, 225, 240, 270, 300, 315, 330 (°)

Phase of the wave

Pitch LFO Depth - Osc 1–3 (Oscillator 1–3 Pitch LFO Depth)

Sets the depth range of pitch change controlled by the LFO. Settings: −4800–+4800 cents
0: No pitch change
The further the depth is from the value 0, the wider the pitch change range becomes.
Negative value: Pitch change is inverted.

Modifier is a function block for adding distortion to the signal output from the OSC block and for adding harmonics to the sound.

Wave folder is an effect created by folding waveforms according to the specified value. This effect lets you create smooth changes from delicate distortion to sonic destruction. With the AN-X sound engine, you can use this effect on each note independently.

Various controllers including EG, LFO, Velocity, and Polyphonic Aftertouch are available for controlling this effect in real-time.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → ModifierWave Folder
Wave Folder (Modifier Wave Folder)

Specifies the degree of wave folding.Settings: 0–255

Folder/Vel (Modifier Wave Folder Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how the Wave Folder responds to Velocity.Settings: −255–0–+255

Texture (Modifier Wave Folder Texture)

Changes the texture of the Wave Folder.Settings: 0–255

Folder Type (Modifier Wave Folder Type)

Changes the Wave Folder type.Settings: Soft, Hard

Modifier EG Settings

Opens the setting screen for Modifier EG.

Modifier LFO Settings

Opens the setting screen for Modifier LFO.

On the Modifier EG screen, you can set the Envelope Generator for the Modifier.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → ModifierModifier EG
Attack (Modifier EG Attack)

Sets the length of time it takes for the EG to change from the moment you press a key on the keyboard until it reaches the maximum.Settings: 0–255

Decay (Modifier EG Decay)

Sets the length of time it takes for the EG to change from the moment you press a key on the keyboard until it reaches the value set at the Sustain level.Settings: 0–255

Sustain (Modifier EG Sustain Level)

Sets the sustain level.Settings: 0–511

Release (Modifier EG Release Time)

Sets the length of time for the EG to reach a value of 0 after you have released the key.Settings: 0–255

Time/Vel (Modifier EG Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how the velocity changes the EG over time.
Larger the value the faster the changes of EG over time when the keys are played with fast velocity. Settings: −255–0–+255

EG Depth Wave Folder (Modifier Wave Folder EG Depth)

Sets how the Wave Folder responds to Modifier EG.Settings: −127–+127

On the Modifier LFO screen, you can set the Modifier LFO.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → ModifierModifier LFO
Wave (Modifier LFO Wave)

Selects the LFO Wave and sets the type of cyclical changes to the LFOs.Settings: Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, Random

Key On Reset (Modifier LFO Key On Reset)

Resets the phase of the LFO when a key is pressed.Settings: Off, On

Speed (Modifier LFO Speed)

Sets the speed of LFO wave changes.Settings: 0–415

Delay (Modifier LFO Delay Time)

Sets the delay time between the moment you press a key on the keyboard and the moment the LFO comes into effect.Settings: 0–127

Fade In Time (Modifier LFO Fade In Time)

Sets the time length for the LFO effect to fade in after you have released the key and the delay time set in Delay has elapsed.Settings: 0–214
The larger the value, the longer it takes for the LFO effect to reach the maximum.
0: The LFO changes to the maximum value without any fade-ins.

Small value: fast fade-in

Large value: slow fade-in

Phase (Modifier LFO Phase)

Sets the phase for resetting the wave when a key is pressed.Settings: 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180, 210, 225, 240, 270, 300, 315, 330 (°)

Phase of the wave

LFO Depth (Modifier LFO Depth)

Sets the depth range of pitch change controlled by the LFO.Settings: −127–+127
0: No pitch change
The further the depth is from the value 0, the wider the pitch change range becomes.
Negative value: Pitch change is inverted.

On the Mixing screen, you can set the output of each Oscillator while checking the signal flow diagram for the AN-X part.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Filter / AmpMixing
FM 3 → 1 (Oscillator 1 FM Level)
FM 3 → 2 (Oscillator 2 FM Level)

Sets how OSC3 modulates OSC1 and OSC2 by using frequency modulation (FM). Settings: 0–255

Osc 1 (Oscillator 1)
Osc 2 (Oscillator 2)
Osc 3 (Oscillator 3)

Opens the OSC/Tune screen for Oscillator Edit.


Opens the Noise screen.
Useful for creating various SFX sounds by using filters such as VCF and HPF on the noise signals.

Ring 3 → 1 (Oscillator 1 Ring Level)
Ring 3 → 2 (Oscillator 2 Ring Level)

Sets how the OSC3 modulates OSC1 and OSC2 by using Ring Modulation. Settings: 0–255

1 (Oscillator 1 Out Level)
2 (Oscillator 2 Out Level)
3 (Oscillator 3 Out Level)
Noise (Noise Out Level)

1, 2, and 3 are for setting the Oscillator volume.
Noise is for adjusting the level of the signal output from the Noise Unit. You can control the level balance with other signals such as OSC 1, OSC 2, and Ring Modulator. Settings: 0–511

Connect 1 (Oscillator 1 Out Select)
Connect 2 (Oscillator 2 Out Select)
Connect 3 (Oscillator 3 Out Select)
Noise Connect (Noise Out Select)

Sets the output destination for the Oscillators and Noise. Settings: Filter, Amp

Filter 1
Filter 2

Opens the Filter/AmpFilter Type screen for Part Edit (AN-X).


Opens the Filter/AmpAmp EG screen for Part Edit (AN-X).

On the Filter Type screen, you can select the filter type.
The available parameters differ depending on the filter type you have selected here.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Filter / AmpFilter Type
Filter 1 Type
Filter 2 Type

Sets the filter.
The filters available for the AN-X are grouped into three types: LPF, HPF, and BPF. Settings: Thru, LPF24, LPF18, LPF12, LPF6, HPF24, HPF18, HPF12, HPF6, BPF12, BPF6


Cuts the signals above the value set in Cutoff Frequency.
The sound becomes brighter as you raise the Cutoff Frequency, since more signals are passed by the filter.
The sound becomes darker as you lower the Cutoff Frequency, since signals are cut or blocked by the filter.
You can produce a distinctive “peaky” sound by raising the Resonance or boosting the signal level near the Cutoff Frequency.
This Filter Type is very popular and useful for producing classic synthesizer sounds.

LPF24: −24 dB/oct
LPF18: −18 dB/oct
LPF12: −12 dB/oct
LPF6: −6 dB/oct


A Filter Type that only passes signals above the Cutoff Frequency.
You can produce a distinctive “peaky” sound by raising the Resonance or boosting the signal level near the Cutoff Frequency.

HPF24: −24 dB/oct
HPF18: −18 dB/oct
HPF12: −12 dB/oct
HPF6: −6 dB/oct


A Filter Type that only passes signals for a specific frequency band (Cutoff Frequency) and cuts all other signals.

BPF12: −12 dB/oct
BPF6: −6 dB/oct

Cutoff (Filter Cutoff)

Sets the cutoff frequency. The frequency set here is used by the filter set in Type. Settings: 0–1023

Resonance (Filter Resonance)

Sets the size of the Resonance. Settings: 0–255

Cutoff/Vel (Filter Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how Cutoff Frequency responds to Velocity or the strength of the keystroke. Settings: −255–+255
Positive value: The faster the Velocity, the higher the Cutoff Frequency value.
Negative value: The slower the Velocity, the higher the Cutoff Frequency value.
0: Cutoff Frequency does not respond to Velocity.

Res/Vel (Filter Resonance Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how the resonance level responds to Velocity or the strength of the keystroke.
This parameter may not be available depending on the Filter Type. Settings: −255–+255
Positive value: The higher the Velocity, the greater the Resonance becomes.
Negative value: The lower the Velocity, the greater the Resonance becomes.
0: Resonance value does not change in response to Velocity.

Cutoff/Key (Filter Cutoff Key Follow)

Sets how the cutoff frequency level of the filter responds to the key position. When the value is set to 1oct, both the pitch and the cutoff frequency change at the same rate. Settings: Off, 1/3oct, 1/2oct, 2/3oct, 1oct, 2oct

Filter 1 Drive (Filter 1 Saturator Drive)
Filter 2 Drive (Filter 2 Saturator Drive)

Sets the amount of distortion controlled by the Saturator section of the filter. Settings: 0.0–60.0 (dB) (in units of 0.75 dB)

Filter 1 Drive/Vel (Filter 1 Saturator Drive Velocity Sensitivity)
Filter 2 Drive/Vel (Filter 2 Saturator Drive Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how the Drive responds to Velocity. Settings: −255–0–+255

F1 Out Level (Filter 1 Out Level)
F2 Out Level (Filter 2 Out Level)

Sets the output level for the Filter. Settings: −12.0–+12.0 (dB) (in units of 0.375 dB)

On the Filter EG screen, you can set the Filter Envelope Generator.
You can set how the Filter Cutoff changes over time, starting from the moment you press a key on the keyboard to when the sound decays.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Filter / AmpFilter EG
Attack (Filter Cutoff EG Attack Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the EG to reach the maximum. Settings: 0–255

Decay (Filter Cutoff EG Decay Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the EG to change from the maximum to the Sustain level. Settings: 0–255

Sustain (Filter Cutoff EG Sustain Level)

Sets the sustain level. Settings: 0–511

Release (Filter Cutoff EG Release Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the EG to reach a value of 0 after you have released the key. Settings: 0–255

Time/Vel (Filter Cutoff EG Time Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how the Cutoff Frequency responds to Velocity or the strength of the keystroke. Settings: −255–0–+255
Positive values: The faster the velocity the faster the FEG changes
Negative value: Fast velocity values result in slower FEG changes, while slow velocity values result in faster FEG changes.
0: No changes regardless of the Velocity setting.

FEG Depth - Filter 1–2 (Filter 1–2 Cutoff EG Depth)

Sets the depth range for the cutoff frequency change controlled by the FEG. Settings: −9600–+9600 cents (in units of 50 cents)
0: No changes to the cutoff frequency by the Filter EG.
The depth range of the cutoff frequency change becomes wider the further the setting is from a value of 0.
Negative values: Cutoff frequency changes are reversed.

FEG Depth/Vel - Filter 1–2 (Filter 1–2 Cutoff EG Depth Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how the depth range of the cutoff frequency change controlled by the FEG responds to Velocity or the strength of the keystroke. Settings: −255–0–+255
Positive values: Faster velocity values widen the depth range of the Filter EG, while slower values narrow the depth range.
Negative values: Faster velocity values narrow the depth range of the Filter EG, while slower values widen the depth range.
0: Cutoff frequency does not respond to the Velocity.

On the Filter LFO screen, you can set the Filter LFO.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Filter / AmpFilter LFO
LFO Wave (Filter Common Cutoff LFO Wave)

Selects an LFO wave. By using the wave you have selected here, you can create various types of modulation. Settings: Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, Random

Key On Reset (Filter Common Cutoff LFO Key On Reset)

Resets the oscillation of the LFO when a key is pressed.
Settings: Off, On

Speed (Filter Common Cutoff LFO Speed)

Sets the speed of LFO wave changes. Settings: 0–415

Delay (Filter Common Cutoff LFO Delay Time)

Sets the delay time between the moment you press a key on the keyboard and the moment the LFO comes into effect.
The larger the value, the longer the delay for the LFO to come into effect. Settings: 0–127

Fade In (Filter Common Cutoff LFO Fade In Time)

Sets the time length for the LFO effect to fade in after you have released the key and the delay time set in Delay has elapsed. Settings: 0–214
The larger the value, the longer it takes for the LFO effect to reach the maximum.
0: The LFO changes to the maximum value without any fade-ins.

Small value: fast fade-in

Large value: slow fade-in

Phase (Filter Common Cutoff LFO Phase)

You can set the initial phase for the time the LFO Wave is reset. Settings: 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180, 210, 225, 240, 270, 300, 315, 330 (°)

Phase of the wave

Depth (Filter Cutoff LFO Depth)

Sets the depth of the LFO Wave control for Filter 1 and Filter 2. Settings: −9600–+9600 (cents) (in units of 50 cents)

On the Amp EG screen, you can set the AEG (Amplitude Envelope Generator).
By setting the Amp EG, you can set how the volume changes from the moment you press a key on the keyboard to when the sound decays.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Filter / AmpAmp EG
Attack (Amplitude EG Attack Time)

Sets the length of time it takes from the moment you press a key on the keyboard to when the Amplitude Level is reached. Settings: 0–255

Decay (Amplitude EG Decay Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the volume to change from the Amplitude Level to the Sustain Level. Settings: 0–255

Sustain (Amplitude EG Sustain Level)

Sets the volume that is maintained while the key is held down. Settings: 0–511

Release (Amplitude EG Release Time)

Sets the length of time it takes after you have release the key to when the sound decays. Settings: 0–255

Time/Vel (Amplitude EG Time Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets the length of time it takes for volume changes in AEG to respond to Velocity or the strength of the keystroke. Settings: −255–+255
Positive value: The faster the velocity, the faster the AEG volume changes.
Negative value: Fast velocity values result in slower AEG volume changes, while slow velocity values result in faster AEG volume changes.
0: No changes regardless of the velocity setting.

Fast velocity (fast volume change)

Slow velocity (slow volume change)

Level (Amplitude Level)

Sets the volume level of Amplitude. Settings: 0–511

Level/Vel (Amplitude Level Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how the Amplitude level responds to Velocity. Settings: −255–0–+255

Level/Key (Amplitude Level Key Follow)

Sets how the Amp Level responds to pitch.
When Amplitude Level Key is set to 127, the Amp Level goes down 6 dB as the pitch goes up one octave. Settings: 0–127

Drive (Amplitude Saturator Drive)

Sets the amount of distortion controlled by the Saturator of the Amplitude section. Settings: 0.0–60.0 (dB) (in units of 0.75 dB)

On the Amp LFO screen, you can set the Amplitude LFO.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → Part Common selection → [EDIT/] → Filter / AmpAmp LFO
LFO Wave (Amplitude LFO Wave)

Selects an LFO wave. By using the wave you have selected here, you can create various types of modulation. Settings: Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, Random

Key On Reset (Amplitude LFO Key On Reset)

Resets the oscillation of the LFO when a key is pressed. Settings: Off, On

Speed (Amplitude LFO Speed)

Sets the speed of LFO wave changes. Settings: 0–415

Delay (Amplitude LFO Delay Time)

Sets the delay time between the moment you press a key on the keyboard and the moment the LFO comes into effect.
The larger the value, the longer the delay time for the LFO to come into effect. Settings: 0–127

Fade In (Amplitude LFO Fade In Time)

Sets the time length for the LFO effect to fade in after you have released the key and the delay time set in Delay has elapsed. Settings: 0–214
The larger the value, the longer it takes for the LFO effect to reach the maximum.
0: The LFO changes to the maximum value without any fade-ins.

Small value: fast fade-in

Large value: slow fade-in

Phase (Amplitude LFO Phase)

You can set the initial phase for the time the LFO wave is reset. Settings: 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180, 210, 225, 240, 270, 300, 315, 330 (°)

Phase of the wave

Depth (Amplitude Level LFO Depth)

Sets the depth range of volume changes controlled by the LFO. Settings: −127–+127

The screen here is almost the same as the one opened from EffectRouting on Part Edit (AWM2), with the exceptions listed below.

  • No output setting for each Element
  • Cannot select Parallel for Ins Connect

The screen here is the same as the one opened from EffectInsA or InsB on Part Edit (AWM2).

The screen here is the same as the one opened from Effect3-band EQ on Part Edit (AWM2).

The screen here is the same as the one opened from Effect2-band EQ on Part Edit (AWM2).

The screen here is the same as the one opened from ArpeggioCommon on Part Edit (AWM2).

The screen here is the same as the one opened from ArpeggioIndividual on Part Edit (AWM2).

The screen here is the same as the one opened from ArpeggioAdvanced on Part Edit (AWM2).

The screen here is the same as the one opened from Motion SeqCommon on Part Edit (AWM2).

The screen here is the same as the one opened from Motion SeqLane on Part Edit (AWM2).

The screen here is the same as the one opened from Mod/ControlControl Assign on Part Edit (AWM2), except that the available Destination settings are different.

Use the parameters shown below, instead of ElementSw and others.

Oscillator Sw (Oscillator Switch)

You can set the controller setting for each Oscillator on or off. This parameter is shown only when the selected Destination is related to Oscillators.
Usually, there are three switches shown, but when the Destination is set to OSC FM or OSC Ring, only two of them will be shown. Settings: Off, On

Filter Sw

You can set the controller setting for each Filter on or off.
This parameter is shown only when the selected Destination is related to filters. Settings: Off, On

The screen here is the same as the one opened from Mod/ControlAfter Touch on Part Edit (AWM2), except that the available Destination settings are different.

The screen here is the same as the one opened from Mod/ControlTx/Rx Switch on Part Edit (AWM2).

The screen here is the same as the one opened from Mod/ControlControl Settings on Part Edit (AWM2).

The screen here is the same as the one opened from Mod/ControlPart LFO on Part Edit (AWM2), except that the only available Destination setting is Ins.