
On the Osc/Tune screen, you can set the general parameters for the Oscillator.
The modulation and wave shaping functions available on this screen are FM (Frequency Modulation), Ring Modulation, Oscillator Sync, Pulse Width, and Wave Shaper.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → [EDIT/] → Part selection → Oscillator selection → Osc/Tune
Wave (Oscillator Wave)

Sets the waveform for the Oscillator. Settings: Saw1, Saw2 (variation of Saw1 with thicker sound), Square, Triangle, Sine

Out Level (Oscillator Out Level)

Sets the volume of the Oscillators. Settings: 0–511

Out Level/Vel (Oscillator Out Level Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how the Oscillator volume responds to Velocity. Settings: −255–+0–+255

Invert (Oscillator Out Invert Enable)

Performs negative/positive inversion of the Oscillator output. Settings: Off, On

Connect (Oscillator Out Select)

Sets the output destination for the Oscillators. Settings: Filter, Amp

Octave (Oscillator Octave)

Sets the pitch of the Oscillator in octaves. Settings: 64’, 32’, 16’, 8’, 4’, 2’, 1’

Pitch (Oscillator Pitch)

Finely adjusts the pitch of the Oscillator. Settings: −1200–+0–+1200 (cent)

FM (Frequency Modulation)

Modulates the frequency of the Oscillator by using another Oscillator.

FM Level (Oscillator FM Level)

Sets the level of the Frequency Modulation. Settings: 0–255

FM Level/Vel (Oscillator FM Level Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how Frequency Modulation responds to Velocity. Settings: −255–+0–+255

Ring Modulation

By mixing two Oscillator signals, you can create a metallic inharmonic sound.

Ring Level (Oscillator Ring Level)

Sets the level of Ring Modulation. Settings: 0–255

Ring Level/Vel (Oscillator Ring Level Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how Ring Modulation responds to Velocity. Settings: −255–+0–+255

Oscillator Sync

Oscillator Sync is a system that creates complex waves by forcing two Oscillators to synchronize.
The AN-X sound engine allows each Oscillator to set its synchronization timing, so you can use a single Oscillator for creating complex waveforms.

Sync Pitch (Oscillator Self Sync Pitch)

Sets the level of the Oscillator Sync. Settings: 0–4800 (cents) (in units of 25 cents)

Sync Pitch/Vel (Oscillator Self Sync Pitch Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how Sync Pitch responds to Velocity. Settings: −255–+0–+255

Pulse Width

Pulse Width is the ratio of the negative and positive parts of the Square wave.

When Pulse Width is set to a small value

When Pulse Width is set to 50%

When Pulse Width is set to a large value

The AN-X sound engine lets you use Pulse Width not just on Square waves but also other waves.

Modulation of the LFO by using Pulse Width is called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), which allows you to create a characteristic swirling sound.

With the AN-X sound engine, you can use PWM by using Osc EG and Osc LFO, and you can specify the level of PWM on the Osc EG screen and Osc LFO screen.

Pulse Width (Oscillator Pulse Width)

Sets the Pulse Width of the wave. Settings: 1.0%–50.0%–99.0%

PulseWidth/Vel (Oscillator Pulse Width Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how Pulse Width responds to Velocity. Settings: −255–+0–+255

Wave Shaper

Creates a characteristic distortion and changes to the harmonic content by changing the shape of the waveform.

Shaper (Oscillator Wave Shaper)

Sets the level of the Wave Shaper.
By using Wave Shaper, the wave changes dynamically. Settings: 0–255

Shaper/Vel (Oscillator Wave Shaper Velocity Sensitivity)

Sets how the Wave Shaper responds to Velocity. Settings: −255–+0–+255

Pitch EG Settings

Opens the General/PitchPitch EG screen for Part Edit (AN-X).

Pitch LFO Settings

Opens the General/PitchPitch LFO screen for Part Edit (AN-X).

Osc 1–3 EG Settings

Opens the Osc EG screen for Oscillator Edit.

Osc 1–3 LFO Settings

Opens the Osc LFO screen for Oscillator Edit.

On the Osc EG screen, you can set the Envelope Generator for the Oscillator.

You can set how the Sync, Pulse Width, and Wave Shaper change over time, starting from the moment you press a key on the keyboard to when the sound decays.

To set how the pitch changes over time, use Pitch EG.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → [EDIT/] → Part selection → Oscillator selection → Osc EG
Attack (Oscillator EG Attack Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the EG to change from the moment you press a key on the keyboard until it reaches the value set at the Attack Level. Settings: 0–255

Decay (Oscillator EG Decay Time)

Sets the length of time it takes for the EG to change from the moment you press a key on the keyboard until it reaches the value set at the Decay Level. Settings: 0–255

Sustain (Oscillator EG Sustain Level)

Sets the Sustain Level. Settings: 0–511

Release (Oscillator EG Release Time)

Sets the length of time for the EG to reach a value of 0 after you have released the key. Settings: 0–255

Osc EG Depth Sync (Oscillator Self Sync EG Depth)

Sets how the Sync responds to Osc EG. Settings: −4800–+4800 (cent)

Osc EG Depth Pulse Width (Oscillator Pulse Width EG Depth)

Sets how the Pulse Width responds to Osc EG. Settings: −127–+0–+127

Osc EG Depth Shaper (Oscillator Wave Shaper EG Depth)

Sets how the Shaper responds to Osc EG. Settings: −127–+0–+127

On the Osc LFO screen, you can set the Oscillator LFO.

  • [PERFORMANCE] → [EDIT/] → Part selection → Oscillator selection → Osc LFO
LFO Wave (Oscillator LFO Wave)

Selects an LFO wave.
By using the wave you have selected here, you can create various types of modulation. Settings: Saw, Square, Triangle, Sine, Random

Key On Reset (Oscillator LFO Key On Reset)

Resets the oscillation of the LFO when a key is pressed. Settings: Off, On

Speed (Oscillator LFO Speed)

Sets the speed of LFO wave changes. Settings: 0–415

Delay (Oscillator LFO Delay Time)

Sets the delay time between the moment you press a key on the keyboard and the moment the LFO comes into effect. Settings: 0–127

Fade In (Oscillator LFO Fade In Time)

Sets the time length for the LFO effect to fade in after you have released the key and the delay time set in Delay has elapsed. Settings: 0–214

Oscillator LFO Phase

Sets the LFO phase for resetting the wave when a key is pressed. Settings: 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180, 210, 225, 240, 270, 300, 315, 330 (°)

Osc LFO Depth Sync (Oscillator Self Sync LFO Depth)

Sets how the Sync responds to Osc LFO. Settings: −4800–+4800 (cent)

Osc LFO Depth Pulse Width (Oscillator Pulse Width LFO Depth)

Sets how the Pulse Width responds to Osc LFO. Settings: −127–+0–+127

Osc LFO Depth Shaper (Oscillator Wave Shaper LFO Depth)

Sets how the Shaper responds to Osc LFO. Settings: −127–+0–+127